Request: Coral, Seaweed and Algae
Request Type: General Addition
Try to describe all workarounds and associated issues that make it necessary to add this block in your eyes.
Hello! I am making a block request for more ocean blocks in particular kelp, seagrass, algae and coral. Most of these marine species can be found throughout westeros, corals can be found worldwide from deep oceans in the artic to tropic shallows, however specific marine ecosystems such as kelp forests, seagrass meadows and coral reefs have very very specific ecosystem parameters (in particular coral reefs). Below is a *very* generalized map on places where these marine ecosystems could generally be found in Westeros:
I specified the word "area" because obviously we could argue that for example seagrass meadows or kelp forests could arise in other areas, but in each of the posts below, I have detailed the reasons why the regions exist where they are (kelp forests are mostly found in cool/frigid waters, but kelp can be found throughout the oceans, same with coral being found throughout the seas, but coral reefs only can build up in shallow tropical waters).
I'll begin with the simplest and most generalized of additions.
Next we have Seagrass which will be the primary component of seagrass meadows:
Next we have Kelp which will be the primary component of Kelp Forests:
Request Type: General Addition
Try to describe all workarounds and associated issues that make it necessary to add this block in your eyes.
Hello! I am making a block request for more ocean blocks in particular kelp, seagrass, algae and coral. Most of these marine species can be found throughout westeros, corals can be found worldwide from deep oceans in the artic to tropic shallows, however specific marine ecosystems such as kelp forests, seagrass meadows and coral reefs have very very specific ecosystem parameters (in particular coral reefs). Below is a *very* generalized map on places where these marine ecosystems could generally be found in Westeros:
I specified the word "area" because obviously we could argue that for example seagrass meadows or kelp forests could arise in other areas, but in each of the posts below, I have detailed the reasons why the regions exist where they are (kelp forests are mostly found in cool/frigid waters, but kelp can be found throughout the oceans, same with coral being found throughout the seas, but coral reefs only can build up in shallow tropical waters).
I'll begin with the simplest and most generalized of additions.
Algae is essentially a generalized water plant that can be used *anywhere* including freshwater sources as a means to spruce up the bottoms of lakes, oceans, seas and rivers. Zero limitation on where to use them, but I recommend using them more densely in slow or still water sources and less densely in areas where water is fast moving.
Next we have Seagrass which will be the primary component of seagrass meadows:
Covering the shallow, warm and mediterranean regions of Westeros, seagrass meadows are among the most diverse marine ecosystems, comparable to coral reefs. These would be primarily found in the Sea of Dorne, Off the coast of Lannisport, The Southern Reach, and off Shipbreaker's Bay.
Clumps could be placed throughout Westeros.
I am requesting that we are able to spawn them in like in vanilla via usage of bonemeal on underwater blocks for ease of placement, or that the OG blocks be retextured as such:
Clumps could be placed throughout Westeros.
I am requesting that we are able to spawn them in like in vanilla via usage of bonemeal on underwater blocks for ease of placement, or that the OG blocks be retextured as such:
Next we have Kelp which will be the primary component of Kelp Forests:
Covering the cool and frigid waters of Westeros, kelp forests are important for the inculcation of fish around the world, and are one of the most threatened marine ecosystems in the world. These would be primarily found in the waters around the Iron Islands, Off the coast of The Vale especially around the Fingers, and All throughout the waters of The North with scattered stands throughout Westeros but not in true kelp forest form. For our purposes we will be using kelp as seaweed as well.
I am requesting that the OG blocks be retextured as such in order to retain the ability to quickly grow kelp stands with bonemeal if possible but this is not necessary:
I am requesting that the OG blocks be retextured as such in order to retain the ability to quickly grow kelp stands with bonemeal if possible but this is not necessary:
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