Low Block Change Request: Cheval de Frise/Barricade Block


Staff member
Request: Cheval de Frise/Barricade Block

Request Type:
General Addition

Try to describe all workarounds and associated issues that make it necessary to add this block in your eyes.
Adding a Cheval de Frise block would be useful specially in the wartorn Riverlands. They would be used in the various warcamps (specially Robb's and Tywin's) as well as a way of showing the remains of lifted sieges and any on going siege we might still make. Would be a good addition, making those types of builds not only more realistic for our setting but also nicer.

Here are some examples of irl chevaux de frise and also how a few mods represent them:

Types of evidence to support your request: Historical

Historical Evidence
From Wikipedia:
The cheval de frise (plural: chevaux de frise [ʃə.vo də fʁiz], "Frisian horses") was a defensive obstacle, existing in a number of forms, principally as a static anti-cavalry obstacle but also quickly movable to close breaches [...] In the anti-cavalry role the cheval de frise typically comprised a portable frame (sometimes just a simple log) with many projecting spikes [...] The invention of the cheval de frise is attributed to ancient China. The concept of using a defensive obstacle made of wooden or metal stakes predates its use in Europe [...] The use of chevaux de frise spread to Europe during the Middle Ages and became a common feature of medieval fortifications.

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