Block Change Request: Candles on walls

Nikas Kunitz

Request: Candles on walls

Request Type: Change

Try to describe all current uses of the block you request to be changed. Do you foresee any issues/ problems that could result from changing the block?
As it it known, candles, which essentially use vanilla torch model, aren't used at walls as torchs are, because of known issues: it's hard to understand what holds a candle on a wall and candles generally aren't placed diagonally as wax would drip on anything under the candle. So, currently the whole blockstate of an obviously important detail block is unused or used marginally.
So, why don't make a special model for a candle on wall, like it is done for torches in many resourcepacks for vanilla Minecraft. Something like a little shelf-thingy supporting a vertical candle, placed quite close to awall it's placed on. A candle can remain in current model, or may use a 3D stick, like vanilla end rode, if candles will be changed to such model in general. I suggest a supporting shelf-thing to have a black, iron-like, texture so it would look familiar in every enviroment, or it may have a "general" wooden texture, this also will fit any enviroment quite well.
This simple change will make a candle on a wall usable and this will be great for placing a little lightsource in small rooms, where a fence or bars used as candleholder would be too gigantic thing. Like, directly over a table or anywhere else.
Here are pictures of some simple candle holders I found on internet (goddamn, it's not easy to found a simple candle holder on wall in internet). Also, you might had seen some of such things implemented in various mods or resourcepacks for vanilla MC, mostly medieval themed.

Types of evidence to support your request: Historical, Canon

Historical Evidence
Such little things, like candles, very often were an only lightsource (other than fireplace, of course) for houses of people who couldn't afford themself a lantern or chandeliers/candelabras for holding multiple candles (candles cost money, multiple candles cost multiple money). For economy of space of working surfaces, like tables, as well as for lighting a whole room from above, candles were often placed on simple little shelfs on walls.

Canonical Evidence
I'm not sure, but I likely had seen things like that in GoT, maybe they are mentioned in the books. A small detail, of course.

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