Aslan Builder Application




Watched a youtuber do a tour around it

The Chronicles of Narnia

Season 1

Daenerys Targaryen, because she is powerful, smart, and cunning, who knows that to be a strong leader, you have to make the tough decisions. Also, she rides dragons.

I can build structurally realistic buildings at all scales, as well as building small structures well in small spaces, giving any area more character. I can also cope well with drastically different aesthetics across Westeros.

When I first joined the server, I was immediately inspired by the effort and scale of Westeros, and wanted to become part of the massive building team that made it happen. I hope to one day be mentioned as someone that truly helped with the effort.

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The Dark Lord Sauron
Staff member
Hey Aslan,

Thanks for the application, I'm glad to see your interest in our server!

While your build seems to grasp the high-level features we're looking for, it isn't currently up to server standards. However, I think with a bit of practice we can get you there soon enough.

I won't give super in-depth feedback this first time around, but will instead give very general (but quite important) feedback: try to give your houses some sort of coherent structure. You want to think of architecture here (how are houses typically built? Would some particular thing be stable? What do rooves typically look like?) as well as function (what do the interiors need to have? What rooms would be in a typical house? What kind of furnishings correspond to the wealth/poverty of the residents?).

Always avoid adding detail just for the sake of adding detail. The stone borders on the roof are an example. They don't really serve a purpose and aren't realistic. Likewise, try to avoid "framing" your house with logs (in general, don't use the full log blocks in houses, they just look pretty clunky) or having large indents/extruded areas.

Before continuing with this app, I would recommend spending some time around some of our newer builds (for example: King's Landing (esp. /warp klsprawl), White Harbor, Highgarden, Fairmarket, Stoney Sept, Uffering, Bandallon, Westbrook etc) and studying how we build. Specifically, things like interior layouts, furnishings, roof angles, palettes, etc. Try to have an eye for detail. One thing that helps is finding some specific houses that you particularly like, taking screenshots of them, and combining elements from those houses into your own original house (and then, as you get more confident, you can experiment more). Lastly, a couple helpful warps for learning more are /warp gradients and /warp furnish.

Please feel free to ask if you have any questions about anything I said above! I'm happy to help. When you've experimented with some of the styles above and feel ready to continue this app, post some images of the house which you feel most confident in (make sure to include enough screenshots of the interior so I can get a good sense of it). Good luck!