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  1. T

    TheHumbleTortoise Builder Application

    You weren't kidding about the challenging bit, this one was quite difficult but I'm quite happy with the end result. This is a very larger city bakers that caters to a large area.
  2. T

    TheHumbleTortoise Builder Application

    Hey, and thanks! I'm quite happy with that one, although I did pay attention to form rather than function leading to the slightly unrealistic elements, which I tried to fix with this build. Here is my Woodwright tailor, I quiet enjoyed this build and am fairly happy with how it went. (Also...
  3. T

    TheHumbleTortoise Builder Application

    17 United Kingdom A Reddit post that reached the front page a while ago. Everything Elderscrolls. (i've spent an alarming amount of time on UESP) Game of Thrones All of the above It's difficult because there are so many different types of characters to choose from. But I...