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  1. Aferys

    Approved Central Westerlands megabuild (Tarbeck Hall, Sarsfield, Oxcross, Hornvale) by lemonbear

    Hi everyone! I finished the septry of Sarsfield (/warp sfseptry). I really hope you like it.
  2. Aferys

    Approved Central Westerlands megabuild (Tarbeck Hall, Sarsfield, Oxcross, Hornvale) by lemonbear

    Hi everyone! I did a test for the septry of Sarsfield. I hope you like it!
  3. Aferys

    Approved House Santagar of the Spottswood - 7 and Steele

    Hi, 7! Could I do a test? Ty <3
  4. Aferys

    Approved Central Westerlands megabuild (Tarbeck Hall, Sarsfield, Oxcross, Hornvale) by lemonbear

    Hey Lemn, Im testing for the septry of Sarsfield! I hope do my best
  5. Aferys

    Completed Probation: Aferys

    12 Building. Plot: Sept. Crownlands Build number: /warp sptown (I forget the coordinates, but it's right next to my previous build) I helped Rex to build and decorate the sept and graveyard. Thank you!!
  6. Aferys

    Completed Probation: Aferys

    11 Building. Plot: candlemaker. Crownlands Build number: /warp sptown X 7791; Y 39; Z 11424
  7. Aferys

    Completed Probation: Aferys

    Hey! Everything is going well. I didn't know I could already build, I'll get to it soon :D
  8. Aferys

    Completed Probation: Aferys

    Okay, let me fix it!. When the server stabilizes and has permissions again, I will do a new test on my plot, if that's okay with you.
  9. Aferys

    Completed Probation: Aferys

    Hello! I'm sorry for all the inconvenience caused. I'm new and didn't realize it was marked "special." I'm really sorry if it bothered you, it's just that I wasn't very clear about where and how I should build. I hope to be able to remedy it in the future and be able to help you with another...
  10. Aferys

    Completed Probation: Aferys

    10 building. Plot: ascetic religious hermit + stone kiln for drying grain Build number: /warp geroldsglen X 7090; Y 130; Z 6892 I helped The Mad King Emoticone11. He authorized me himself (Thank, but please dont burn me) I didn't build the crops because I didn't know if I should.
  11. Aferys

    Completed Probation: Aferys

    9 building. Plot: lower class house, without any profession. King´s Landing, nearly River Gate (redo) Build number: /warp kl33b X 3682; Y 42; Z -606 I helped Jjay. He/She authorized me him/herself (Thanks!!)
  12. Aferys

    Completed Probation: Aferys

    8 building. Plot: novicies dormitory and common rooms. Fairmarket, Riverlands Build number: /warp fmseptry X -694; Y 38; Z 5851 I helped EStop in a septry at Fairmarket. He/She authorized me him/herself (Thanks!!)
  13. Aferys

    Completed Probation: Aferys

    7 building. Plot: abandoned barn - regulary get flooded. Westerlands Build number: /warp hvfarm4 X -5104; Y 54; Z 11226
  14. Aferys

    Completed Probation: Aferys

    6 building. Plot: dovecote. Westerlands Build number: /warp hvham1 X -4619; Y 61; Z 11017
  15. Aferys

    Completed Probation: Aferys

    All problems have been fixed. I will continue publishing the constructions I make
  16. Aferys

    Completed Probation: Aferys

    Hello Rex! Thanks for your time. I have already completed the five locations, should I pay attention to the signs you put on the buildings? I hope everything I have done is correct. Thanks again
  17. Aferys

    Completed Probation: Aferys

    5 building. Plot: barn. Crownlands Build number: /warp pynevillage X 9081; Y 40; Z 8128
  18. Aferys

    Completed Probation: Aferys

    4 building. Plot: stablehands, hayloft barn and stables. Riverlands Build number: /warp bigglestone X 482; Y 54; Z 9105 The building is damaged, not for war, but for time, like the sept. (This plot is special, but I didn't know it. The lot is empty again and the building has been moved to...