Search results

  1. Yialoth

    Yialoth Builder Application

    Welcome to Hobert and Sons Silversmiths, makers of the finest mirrors and cutlery in Duskendale. I wasn't sure exactly where the line between middle and high class is here so I looked primarily at the very top end for inspiration. I'm also choosing to headcanon that my previous two builds...
  2. Yialoth

    Yialoth Builder Application

    The home of a Dornish bookbinder.
  3. Yialoth

    Yialoth Builder Application

    My Minecraft username is Yialoth. As requested, here is a house for a family of smallfolk from Massey's Hook.
  4. Yialoth

    Yialoth Builder Application

    What is your age? 21-24 In what country are you living? United Kingdom Where did you first hear about WesterosCraft? Youtube What do you like the most about GoT/ASoIaF? I don't fully understand why, but it's really satisfying when characters receive news of what the reader has already...