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  1. AerioOndos

    Probation: KJS1000

    Nice work fixing up the dark wood house. As the furnace is burning make sure you remember about smoke. I also left a few more melons there, just as a means to make the yard more interesting. You could even put in a small berry plot (blueberries/raspberries/blackberries) near the edge/informal...
  2. AerioOndos

    Completed Highgarden

    oh yeah, that makes sense. The sediment should be at the bottom, meaning there wouldn't be any pebbles. even then they would be covered in sand closer to the mouth.
  3. AerioOndos

    Completed Project Application: House Brune of Dyre Den

    remember that you can make bogs on slopes and that there’s also the opportunity to make wooded fens in this project. I’ll try and send some of the diagram images I have of a large fen which formed on a slope, making it appear like a small crest. It could be an interesting addition to the forests
  4. AerioOndos

    Probation: KJS1000

    I've had a look at your updated sth house and theres 1 thing left to do. The sarsfield house also has a few melons. just little details really. Were you the one to fix up the pyle yard? cos it is really well done. Same with the houses gradient and the exterior. I've left a few melons on the...
  5. AerioOndos

    Completed Highgarden

    I like what you’ve proposed
  6. AerioOndos

    Probation: KJS1000

    okay, I have no idea where they went. so I have left more. the Musgood house is now good and approved but I've made heavy changes to the sth house and left lots of melons there. your earlier house I have modified into an example of ints and ext features. Now, I didn't get around to your other...
  7. AerioOndos

    Gulltown Redo Discussion Megathread

    Isn't there a motherhouse in the bay of Gulltown? Dejima could be good insp
  8. AerioOndos

    Probation: KJS1000

    good point Zzaarr, that is probably it. D is 0 and B is 8
  9. AerioOndos

    Gulltown Redo Discussion Megathread

    the far right insp images would be very good for the lands outside of the city and any small communities nearby. The hips will be difficult to achieve on smaller buildings though.
  10. AerioOndos

    Sunspear/Dorne Redo Discussion Megathread

    I should have been a bit more clear, the shadow city itself, rather than Sunspear
  11. AerioOndos

    Sunspear/Dorne Redo Discussion Megathread

    A mixture of the different cultural styles in Dorne. Predominantly salty dornish (moorish/more Eastern in style) with some sandy and stony dornish (Mozarab and catelan/pyreneean)?
  12. AerioOndos

    TheFrozenQueen Builder Application

    Hi Frozen Queen, You need to link buildings that are your attempt at building in the Westeroscraft server style. While the tower, cruise ships and your other builds are amazing, they aren’t in that style. A simple house is a really good thing to put in the application as they are by far the...
  13. AerioOndos

    Probation: KJS1000

    Yes, but what is the reason for it? I only ever see numbers when looking at my coords
  14. AerioOndos

    Probation: KJS1000

    I am not familiar with letters being in the coordinates. What’s going on?
  15. AerioOndos

    Probation: KJS1000

    I’ll be on tonight to check them all I’m sure I plastered Musgood and Sth buildings with melons so that’s being weird. With the forge bellows, did you find the one in the northern wells done by Zanji? It’s always good to have a look at what other builders are doing and see what you can...
  16. AerioOndos

    Completed Application for House Wells in the north

    Idk I thought you’d update the pine forest near the village to be more like the pine forests around WH
  17. AerioOndos

    Completed Project/update application: Norrey

    What kind of style are you going to use for the houses? I forgot to ask that earlier. For reference, I have most styles in the air above Norrey village which you can use for reference.
  18. AerioOndos

    Probation: KJS1000

    okay, i looked at your second sthvillage house and it has similar problems to the other one. I left melons there. Also I left more melons at your Musgood house Now I've looked at your vikary house and did not manage to finish all the melons due to some fam issues at the time. But what I did...
  19. AerioOndos

    Issues with leaves

    I tried that but still noticed that some of the colours were wrong or didn't
  20. AerioOndos

    Completed Application for House Wells in the north

    The forest of Carci tall pines should be fine. It’s the worldpainter birch and pine forests that need fixing.