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  1. Renly_Baratheon_

    Margaery exposed #CancelMarge

  2. Renly_Baratheon_

    Approved Project Application: House Melcolm of Old Anchor

    oh, I've never been to Valangin but looks pretty cool. Should probably do a tour de Neuchâtel some time, considering I don't know any towns except Neuchâtel itself haha.
  3. Renly_Baratheon_

    Approved Project Application: House Melcolm of Old Anchor

    Hey Enah, just saw the layout of the town that you're working on in the western parts of the Old Anchor lands, near Ironoaks. Since some of the inspiration for this project is Swiss and you were previously happy when I pointed out the similarity of Old Anchor to Sempach, I figured I'd tell you...
  4. Renly_Baratheon_

    Wall Castle Renaissance Update Thread

    I figured no rivers north of the last river just means that none of the more northern ones are really that big/navigable. But there should be streams and creeks imo. My bad, I forgot that the lake is getting moved to the north of the wall. The hills north of the last river end at the...
  5. Renly_Baratheon_

    Wall Castle Renaissance Update Thread

    I was just looking at the map and was thinking that there are not really any waterways south of the wall. Since there is regular snowfall and we know that the wall "weeps", the water has to go somewhere. Is there a plan for some streams that go to the sea to be added? I was also thinking that...
  6. Renly_Baratheon_

    Approved House Long - Finn

    This is just a random idea: On the boarder to the swamplands of the neck there could be some sort of "inn" where the people from the neck can trade medicinal herbs and plants that end up at the white harbor hospital. Or maybe people from the swamp travel to long and sell their stuff there.
  7. Renly_Baratheon_

    Stoney Shore in mossy green?

    Maybe the Hermit's island could be moved south. As far as I know there is no reason why it needs to be exactly where it is.
  8. Renly_Baratheon_

    Stoney Shore in mossy green?

    Since I just saw that carci started working on the Stoney Shore I though I'd bring this discussion up again, which was touched on in the Skerry Immersion project thread. Both Skerry island and the Hermit island off the coast of the Stoney Shore are very mossy and green. Since I assume that...
  9. Renly_Baratheon_

    Approved Project Application: Antlers

    I was just looking at the dyna map and noticed that the plotted fields in Antlers are a lot bigger than the ones in the more recent crownlands projects (Gaunt, Harte, Mallery, Pyle and Duskendale). I don't know what the reason for the smaller size fields in these projects is but for cohesion...
  10. Renly_Baratheon_

    Gulltown Redo Discussion Megathread

    Maybe I've said this before in a previous post. But I think the sort of elongated shape of the harbour and the cliffs all around make me really think of Zähringen cities like Bern, Fribourg or Burgdorf. I know you are not really planning for a super Swiss Gulltown but i think layoutwise it would...
  11. Renly_Baratheon_

    Approved Immersion : Pilgrimage sanctuary of the Andals

    May I add, that I think whether a certain part of a peninsula belongs to a house or not, really doesn't make much of a difference as to how the project actually looks like. If I remember correctly Dutch at some point said that he drew the lines on the map to designate the scope of projects and...
  12. Renly_Baratheon_

    Approved Immersion : Pilgrimage sanctuary of the Andals

    I think this is a really cool idea and leaning more into the faith in the vale as one of the distinctive cultural aspect of its landscape makes a lot of sense to me. Of course this is outside of the scope of a mini like this but I wanna throw the idea out there that your idea of the seven...
  13. Renly_Baratheon_

    Completed Probation: Renly_Baratheon_

    oooh nice. Thank you :D Also thanks for the great feedback. Looking forward to seeing you in game.
  14. Renly_Baratheon_

    Completed Probation: Renly_Baratheon_

    Build #6 /warp willum XYZ: 1371 / 64 / 17689 Sorry it took me so long. I was on vacation :D Also the yard was done by dany.
  15. Renly_Baratheon_

    Completed Probation: Renly_Baratheon_

    Build #5 /warp pendleton XYZ: -2228 / 63 / 15216 First time I had to do the yard as well and I did kinda struggle with it ngl. Mostly used the ropemaker at /warp kerseyford as a guideline but made the ropewalk a lot longer because endy said the ones at kerseyford were very short.
  16. Renly_Baratheon_

    Completed Probation: Renly_Baratheon_

    Build #4 /warp isleofpigs XYZ: -8343 / 52 / 26240 I struggled a bit with filling out the upper floor, but I tend to shy away from empty spaces so maybe it's just that I need to embrace a less cluttered style.
  17. Renly_Baratheon_

    The Arbor: Feedback, Suggestions & Testing

    is the island mountaineous canonically? I agree with your points but I'm not sure if the mountains on the arbor have to appear super tall anyway. they could just be large hills instead.
  18. Renly_Baratheon_

    Completed Probation: Renly_Baratheon_

    Build #3 /warp mpindustry XYZ: 4986 / 43 / 9074 Not sure about the door to the main room but I think it's cute so I figured I might try something. :p
  19. Renly_Baratheon_

    Completed Probation: Renly_Baratheon_

    Build #2 /warp hornvale XYZ: -4333.130 / 103.50000 / 11319.117 I left the stall in front empty because I think it doesn't make much sense for a weaver to have a stall on the street. So I don't know what would be sold there but it could just belong to somebody else's business or be empty atm.
  20. Renly_Baratheon_

    Completed Probation: Renly_Baratheon_

    Build #1 /warp bechester XYZ: 657.567 / 61.50000 / 12082.314 It's a cobbler. The rooms are quite crammed but the build example had the ceiling very low so I copied that.