Search results

  1. V

    Probation : Vaegon

    Probation build #3 /warp hg (-4940 18367) Granary on the north side of the river.
  2. V

    Probation : Vaegon

    Probation build #1 /warp whamlet2 coord : -2555 -2393 Cattle barn
  3. V

    Vaegon_ Builder Application

    Hi, thanks for your detailed and instructive advice. I'm starting the challenge build and will post it on the feed.
  4. V

    Vaegon_ Builder Application

    18 France I here about it on a French website about minecraft. Yes I have. I like Asimov and Tolkien for SF books. Tarkovski is one of my favorite movie director for the SF and medieval movies. All of the above All of the above My favorite character is probably Lord Baelish...