Request: New Stone Window Type !
Request Type: General Addition
Try to describe all workarounds and associated issues that make it necessary to add this block in your eyes.
This type of window is called “une croisée à accolade”.
I tried (it’s my first time don’t judge me) to recreate what it would look like, based on the Sandstone Vivid Block. If you want to see how it could look with an other block, let me know
you'll find my tests here :
I’d like to add this type of window because in medieval times, it was very common, but on the server we don’t have it yet. I think it would be a great idea to have some more windows variations and to make richer windows, used in manors or high classes houses.
I know adding this could be maybe complicated, or it could in a certain way outdate some parts of the server (it’s not my attention), but as i not used everywhere, it may work.
PS : I know how the exteriors of the window look like, but I have no idea what the inside is supposed to look like. So maybe it should have two different faces ? One on the exterior, carved and cute, and maybe less detailed inside ? I don't really know
Types of evidence to support your request: Historical
Historical Evidence
As I said before it’s called a “croisée à accolade”. It dates from the XIII-XIV century and very common in France. There are also other types of windows like a “Bai géminée” (which is really cool I’ll try to make it). Also if you have English translations for these windows I would love to hear about it.
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Request Type: General Addition
Try to describe all workarounds and associated issues that make it necessary to add this block in your eyes.
This type of window is called “une croisée à accolade”.
I tried (it’s my first time don’t judge me) to recreate what it would look like, based on the Sandstone Vivid Block. If you want to see how it could look with an other block, let me know
you'll find my tests here :
block test - Google Drive

I’d like to add this type of window because in medieval times, it was very common, but on the server we don’t have it yet. I think it would be a great idea to have some more windows variations and to make richer windows, used in manors or high classes houses.
I know adding this could be maybe complicated, or it could in a certain way outdate some parts of the server (it’s not my attention), but as i not used everywhere, it may work.
PS : I know how the exteriors of the window look like, but I have no idea what the inside is supposed to look like. So maybe it should have two different faces ? One on the exterior, carved and cute, and maybe less detailed inside ? I don't really know
Types of evidence to support your request: Historical
Historical Evidence
As I said before it’s called a “croisée à accolade”. It dates from the XIII-XIV century and very common in France. There are also other types of windows like a “Bai géminée” (which is really cool I’ll try to make it). Also if you have English translations for these windows I would love to hear about it.
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