Recent content by spiritedmagpie

  1. spiritedmagpie

    spiritedmagpie Builder Application

    Hey Emot! Thank you for your patience, I got pretty busy this week. Here's my second challenge build. A childless couple who live above their butcher shop.
  2. spiritedmagpie

    spiritedmagpie Builder Application

    Hey Emoticone! Here's my first challenge build. A family of five: a couple, one set of grandparents, and their child, who grow berries and keep chickens.
  3. spiritedmagpie

    spiritedmagpie Builder Application

    What is your age? 17-20 In what country are you living? United States Where did you first hear about WesterosCraft? Youtube What do you like the most about GoT/ASoIaF? I love how much care is put into the history of the world. It makes it feel like the world didn't just begin because...