Recent content by lounes

  1. lounes

    Block Change Request: New Stone Window Type !

    Also, I saw that Estoop asked for glass windows but unfortunately it would outdate some parts of the server. I think my idea is a bit different. I just tried different things including a version with glass, but what I really want is just carved stone windows, glass is optional (please don’t...
  2. lounes

    Block Change Request: New Stone Window Type !

    I added glass knowing that a window block is empty inside, so we would see something weird (because of the vertical stone on both sides of the window). I hope my request is still relevant though
  3. lounes

    Block Change Request: New Stone Window Type !

    Request: New Stone Window Type ! Request Type: General Addition Try to describe all workarounds and associated issues that make it necessary to add this block in your eyes. This type of window is called “une croisée à accolade”. I tried (it’s my first time don’t judge me) to recreate what it...
  4. lounes

    Possible project idea, inspired from Château Chillon

    Ok thanks for all ! I’ll ask endy if it’s possible :)
  5. lounes

    Possible project idea, inspired from Château Chillon

    Waw, your ideas are interesting, thanks for sharing ! -Mashing two castles could be really fun, I’ll definitely have to try it. Do you know in which region it could fit ? Cause I think it needs a rocky ”outcrop” to lean on. -About Maison Forte de Reynac / Vulture’s Roost, I’m in love with the...
  6. lounes

    Possible project idea, inspired from Château Chillon

    yes i totally get that, but I don’t know if I’m enough “at ease” to create a castle that’s only an inspiration. but no worries I have a plenty of others castles I wanna build *evil laugh*. Such as Château de Commarque, Maison forte de Reynac, Château de Vergy,…
  7. lounes

    Possible project idea, inspired from Château Chillon

    ok I went to parchments, that’s literally Chillon lol, should I delete this thread ?
  8. lounes

    Possible project idea, inspired from Château Chillon

    hello everyone ! I wanted to start a thread cause I wanna have your opinion, ideas, and help about something. One thing I love is reproducing castles, and with the help of Westeroscraft blocks it could look really good. So this is my idea : I wanna reproduce Chateau Chillon. It’s a castle...
  9. lounes

    OT Team: Defenses

    hello ! I would like to join the team too ! I’m not as experienced as other builders are, but I’m eager to learn and help !
  10. lounes

    Completed Project Application: House Frost by Scubooty

    it’s me again, just wanted to say that i finished my mini ! I hope i respected the style ! See you !
  11. lounes

    Completed Project Application: House Frost by Scubooty

    hi ! this is my application for the mini. I wanted to show you the plotting before I try building it. I don't know if it's the right way to do, but in case I don't see you in game. :)
  12. lounes

    Abandoned KL Update Application: District 4, Old Court

    hellloo, this is my application for one of the plots in the Red Temple : the StoneMason. I tried to make it look a bit different than a "basic stonemason" with the use of red sandstone. Indeed, I thought that it was a good idea to show that the owner makes lord of the light dedicated sculptures...
  13. lounes

    Completed Project Application: House Amber by EverlastEvil

    hey! idk if it’s how we proceed, but I wanted to let you know that I finished my mini ! I hope you’ll like it !
  14. lounes

    Completed Project Application: House Amber by EverlastEvil

    Hello Ever, I'm applying for the mini at /warp AcharCoal2. You'll find a picture of the plotting I made. Let me know if I should change some things about it :)