Recent content by Horsthausen

  1. H

    Wall Castle Renaissance Update Thread

    Sable Hall Update Application: Canon: Sable Hall is an abandoned castle between Woodswatch to the West and Rimegate to the East. It is one of the castles Jon Snow regarrisons in ADWD. In 50 AC, during the reign of Jahaerys I, two former Kingsguard members, Ser Olyver Bracken and Ser Raymund...
  2. H

    Abandoned House Goode by Patrick_0901

    Hey guys, it has been a while but I have now worked on the sluice gate again to make it smaller without a big frame on top. LMK what you think. The test is still on my plot.
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    Abandoned House Goode by Patrick_0901

    Here is my updated application for the small farmstead south of Bechester. I have discussed this ingame with Patrick and already implemented some feedback.The test can be found on my plot at /warp Horsthausen.
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    Approved Central Westerlands megabuild (Tarbeck Hall, Sarsfield, Oxcross, Hornvale) by lemonbear

    Hey Lem, it's been a while since you reacted to my gatehouse, so I'm going to bump. Also, I have been working a little bit on the details. It can be seen on my test plot at /warp Horsthausen.
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    Abandoned House Goode by Patrick_0901

    Hey guys, thanks for the feedback on my app. I will wait for the terra to be done and then try to incorporate the overshot wheel because that sounds good to me
  6. H

    Abandoned House Goode by Patrick_0901

    Hey Patrick, here is my test for the small farmstead south of Bechester that you offered me to apply for. Further details will be made, once approved.
  7. H

    Approved Central Westerlands megabuild (Tarbeck Hall, Sarsfield, Oxcross, Hornvale) by lemonbear

    Hey Lem, I worked on my gatehouse and essentially just made it bigger and sturdier trying to fill up the space on the sides. The details are not final yet, it's just about the shape for now. I'm looking forward to your feedback!
  8. H

    Approved Central Westerlands megabuild (Tarbeck Hall, Sarsfield, Oxcross, Hornvale) by lemonbear

    Hey Lem, I have been trying to work out a way to post these images for almost an hour but it wouldn't work probably because of my wifi connection. The test is on my test plot at /warp Horsthausen though, I hope that's not an issue. EDIT: Maybe it works with this link:
  9. H

    Approved Central Westerlands megabuild (Tarbeck Hall, Sarsfield, Oxcross, Hornvale) by lemonbear

    Hey Lem, I'm applying for my first mini at /warp hvgate2. You can find the test on my test plot at /warp Horsthausen. Please leave some feedback as this is my first mini.
  10. H

    Completed Probation: Horsthausen

    Hey Otty, thank you so much for taking up my probation and helping me through this stage, especially with your feedback. Now that I arrived in Uganda I hope I'll be able to pick up some minis myself soon. I also have completed two more builds while I was still on probation, so I think I might...
  11. H

    Completed Probation: Horsthausen

    Hey Otty, thanks for the feedback. I've tried to implement it into my KL13 build and also tried emptying out the burley chief house a bit xD. In the meantime I have been working on two more builds where I tried to keep your previous feedback in mind. I'm looking forward to your feedback to...
  12. H

    Completed Probation: Horsthausen

    Build #8 /warp kl13 3695/76/-1196 A King's Landing tailor. I already received and implemented heavy feedback from the project leader while working on this. It also took quite a while as you may have noticed.
  13. H

    Completed Probation: Horsthausen

    Hey Otty, Thanks again for your feedback. I did my best to address all of the issues you mentioned with my builds. Also I have continued some building. Hope you like the results and I'm looking forward to more feedback. I was also wondering why you skipped my second build at burleyham3 with...
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    Completed Probation: Horsthausen

    Build #6 /warp bechester 673/77/12071 A city fletcher. I should probably slow things down a little
  15. H

    Completed Probation: Horsthausen

    Hey Otty, First of all thanks for your first feedback and for being my probation leader. I really appreciate all the time you guys are spending to help me improve my builds. There is not really any particular region or build style I prefer because as I have read the books pretty much any region...