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  • hey, Dutch i wanted to ask you something.
    you are incharge of the map on the website and i wanted to ask if i could maybe make borders for most of the houses like you did with Kingslanding when you activate areas on the map. i find it very hard sometimes to know which hamlet belongs to which house so i think that would help.
    Could you let me know what you think about that idea. Thank you and have a beautiful day.
    That's a great suggestion Vickon, but it would be very difficult to accomplish. Many of the projects have very poorly defined borders, and it is sometimes hard to determine which hamlets or villages belong to which House. Hopefully one day we achieve this, but it will need to be a group effort. I am hoping that with current and future projects we can draw these borders. Expect a forum post on the matter soon!
    ok that's fine just thought to bring it up because i found it confusing sometimes.
    have a great day.
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