Recent content by AerioOndos

  1. AerioOndos

    Block Change Request: Wave Blocks Just remembered about this which might be good just to hold similar requests together
  2. AerioOndos

    Completed Application Thread: House Varner Redo by Jakethesnake

    Consider this post approved
  3. AerioOndos

    Project Application: House Beesbury (Update) By ViserysII

    Hey Vis, I love your work and have confidence this will enrich the Honeywine region further! I approve
  4. AerioOndos

    Completed House Bar Emmon - by Rexstop

    Hey Rex! I've had a look through and give my thumbs up for Post Approval! We've been through everything I wanted to cover in game
  5. AerioOndos

    Project Application: House Beesbury (Update) By ViserysII

    Definitely a fan of Jake's insp and points about having shallower rooves and a lot more shaded pathways and spaces. The stonier look will match better with Foxglove and its La Couvertoirade insp. you can see from the pic how much the darker rooves stand out, unless they're next to some...
  6. AerioOndos

    Project Application: House Kidwell of Ivy Hall

    Okay soooo, I've had a look at the new map again and it would make so much more sense to put the green tile production facility directly off the Rowan river, so that they can immediately load tiles onto barges and ship them once ready. Since they're a clay tile, not actually a piece of stone...
  7. AerioOndos

    Reach-Westerland transition sub-style : proposition, discussions and inspirations

    Considering recent discussions about the Rowan river region this is important to revisit
  8. AerioOndos

    Approved [APPEAL APPROVED] Project Application: Dreadfort by Banty & SMP

    The best looking result you'll get is clearing the area and redoing it. But ofc that's a huge time sink. What could be done also is to create snowless rings around the trunks of trees, snow shadows so to speak. Option 2 is probably the better looking option imo. regardless of what you do...
  9. AerioOndos

    Project Application: House Kidwell of Ivy Hall

    So, when looking at the app, the central forest area doesn't make the most sense to me as that is where there'd be some pretty good farmland. This would have been cleared long ago as it is close to the Rowan river. What I'd suggest would be to make it look like there was a forest there, but its...
  10. AerioOndos

    Approved Project Application: Darkdell

    Hey to you both! While I've worked a lot with Crispen on this inn, I do prefer the design done by Alex and WRMD. It was a close pick between the two and there are still some things which I think Crispen's does right that could be fixed in the Alex and WRMD version. Love the ground floor and the...
  11. AerioOndos

    Southern Massey's Hook - by Rex

    Hey! Love the app and I'm giving it my approval! I know I'll see amazing things from you, Rex and Simba
  12. AerioOndos

    Approved Immersion Build: The Burning Septry.

    When reviewing the placement of the old roads in situ, I realised that the current road to ryger makes little sense to be so large, if to exist at all. It essentially functions to place a T intersection further inland at the moment. Imo this is unnecessary and it would work far better for...
  13. AerioOndos

    Approved Immersion Build: The Burning Septry.

    Approved! This has been an amazing to watch develop and it'll be so cool to get it on production
  14. AerioOndos

    Approved Mega Project: Upper Honeywine (Brightwater Keep, Roxton, Hastwyck) by Margaery Tyrell

    A potential fix is to have slab water level from OT all the way to Hammerhal. The terrain at honeyholt would be a relatively easy fix since the old build isn't too detailed when it comes to the topography. Hammerhal however is very well thought out and would likely require a lot more changing...