Oh, a apple development conference I help with had a spare spot in their Lightning Talks (a segment in the conference close where you get three minutes to say as much as you can about a topic in less than 3 minutes before everyone claps).

So to go along with the silly segment I had put in the conference dinner quiz the night before (Game of Tones, wherein we had taken pictures of the conference chair Tony posed as different GoT characters and made people guess who he was) and this year's off-topic dinner keynote (which was Paul Fenwick talking about 'why you should be proud of your fanfic'), I did a talk about applicable skills I had learned by taking part in Westeroscraft.

It was silly, it ran over time (everyone always does), I wrote it in like the half-hour beforehand and I got some stuff wrong, but I have done a few talks about WC at different tech events now and it's been great speaking practice (it's something I love so much that I can just talk off the cuff about it and everyone is always super impressed with the project).

I actually have a 3-hour workshop in submission right now for a conference coming up in November about incorporating inspiration within constrained media, which (if accepted) would be my first full-length talk that includes the topic.
Really all it has done is I have slowly amassed a group of game developers and programmers and even a google engineer who have seen me talk about the project and all want to get together some day soon and build a new non-minecraft engine from scratch to port the project to. I will have more news/a pitch to give Dubz on that if we actually get somewhere in the coming months :)

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