Probation: Ahorn_


All by WhereRmyDragons approved houses in the thread on the old forums:

WH: x 2160, z -2694
Mance's: x:-1630, y: 43.5, z: -20448
Bandallon: x: -9233, y: 51, z: 20122
Rhysling: x:-1812, y:44, z: 16842
Hornhilltown2: x: -4577, y: 45, z:19243

Additional houses in Bandallon:
Cattle barn: x: -9254, y: 47, z: 20015
Farmer: x: -9236, y: 51, z: 20089
Farmer: x: -9789, y: 41, z: 20668
Fisher: x: -9803, y: 39, z: 20656
smoke house: x: -9791, y: 39, z: 20651

Not too sure about the smoke house, waiting for Enah's feedback there. But let me know what you think about all those houses.