Block Change Request: Window blocks; doors


Knight of Fairmarket
Request: Window blocks; doors

Request Type: General Addition

Try to describe all workarounds and associated issues that make it necessary to add this block in your eyes.
I’d like to propose the addition of door blocks, similar to window blocks.

I’m not sure if this is even possible, but I figured to request it anyway and see where it goes.

Open facades with a lot of windows were fairly common in the medieval city or town, especially with wooden facades. In order to place doors we currently need a full block on either side to ensure it does not melt together with the windows.

The block I’m suggesting would be (a directional) window block but rather than being a window, is a door. The block would have 2 opposing sides as a door, and two opposing sides as a wall, like a very short corridor. A block as such would give us a multitude of options to shape the doorway, such as a gothic door, tudor door or arched door.

Doors like this can be used inside castles, townhouse facades and other instances in which a 1 block wide door would do the trick.

Another thing I’d like to suggest is to make it possible to walk through our existing window blocks. The timber frame and gothic windows are certainly large enough to fit a person through and can then be used as a doorway without a door as well as a window without glass.

Here are pics.