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  1. D

    Trade and Transit

    Proposal (I mean 'somebody' should do this): Input: warps: [ {name: HouseDefaultLord, importance: 'small', warps[{1234,376},{76,1234},{123,1234}, {name: HouseAnotherLord, importance: 'medium', warps[{1454,37},{7,14},{13,134} ),...] naturalborders: [{type:river, cost:'easy'...
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    Trade and Transit

    Prior work by Lucas Moran (old forum thread: does not deal with region generation. What he did was manually adding zones (as axis-aligned bounding boxes) from where you where able to teleport...
  3. D

    Trade and Transit

    If I may make a proposal which I deem very clever: Rk = Set of points in Voronoi cell, d = distance function Now any sane man would take the euclidian distance as distance function d. But if you had a map of the rivers and mountain ranges, you could integrate them into your distance function...
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    Trade and Transit

    Hello Iwan. I can see the appeal of Voronoi partitioning the map, because it is automatic once the warps are cleaned up. However, as you know, most houses control a more or less defined region on the map which will not align with the Polygon yielded by Voronoi subdivision. In reality, I presume...
  5. D

    Riverlands Map

    Good work. I think it would be great to have such a map of all regions. Especially as an overlay and in a form that allows easy editing. Thus progress tracking would be made much more accessable. There is this document in
  6. D

    Wolf's Farewell Party

    Das wird bestimmt super. In Australien ist auch gerade Sommer.
  7. D

    Planning Planning Villages and Towns

    I apologize if I come across as blunt, I'm just curious. I was asking for the source of this 140farmers figure. The information you posted from Battle Abbey, while interesting, does not answer this. So now 30 are enough to feed a whole lord, who must have more luxurious dietary habits than a...
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    Planning Planning Villages and Towns

    Where did you get this number from?