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    Engraved Ashlar Blocks using knot carvings

    Request: Engraved Ashlar Blocks using knot carvings Request Type: Change Try to describe all current uses of the block you request to be changed. Do you foresee any issues/ problems that could result from changing the block? I've never been a fan of the full engraved ashlar block series...

    Block Change Request: Night's Watch Bed rename

    Request: Noble Black Bed Request Type: Block Rename Try to describe all workarounds and associated issues that make it necessary to add this block in your eyes. Night's Watch Bed is a black reskin of the Noble Bed custom blocks but it's named for the Night's Watch. This can be problematic...

    [Minor] Lord Commander's chair is off-canon (White Sword Tower)

    Afaik Red Keep was redone 2017. This block could now be replaced by Mance's Camp Tent Slab or a stool block

    South Blackwater chain tower missing

    Built by order of Tyrion in ACOK on the south bank of the Blackwater, there is another small squat stone tower directly south of the north one. There is a hole the size of a man's head in the tower for the chain to exit from.

    Dynamap UI update

    Here's a modern dynamap plugin forked from the original with a better UI. If this project upgrades the dynamap, maybe we can get the header and logo in there, also some Westeroscraft red accents instead...

    ESL1 Builder Application

    What is your age? 21-24 In what country are you living? England, UK Where did you first hear about WesterosCraft? Youtube What do you like the most about GoT/ASoIaF? The attention to detail and worldbuilding. The sheer amount of lore surrounding the Red Keep and Winterfell really shows...