Recent content by Tobi

  1. Tobi

    Block Change Request: Wooden Pole/Rod

    Request: Wooden Pole/Rod Request Type: General Addition Try to describe all workarounds and associated issues that make it necessary to add this block in your eyes. It would be a great addition to the block pool of the server. It can be used in many ways for example for rafters...
  2. Tobi

    Approved Update Application - KL3

    After changing the tags over all the houses and adressing all the feedback that was given, I think kl3 is ready for stage 2 of post approval. :) -Tobi and KD-
  3. Tobi

    Approved Update Application - KL3

    o/ Hello again. After half a year of silence im yet back again with a update. AAAANNDDD kl3 is finnished :). Thanks to all the builders that helped with building and a special thanks to Wurst who gave us the brilliant guide about the chandler proffesion and KD for helping in every way...
  4. Tobi

    Block Change Request: Cash's House Banners

    its a list that stoop did, and I THINK it will be a vote
  5. Tobi

    Block Change Request: Cash's House Banners

    We are currently working on a spreadsheet for deciding which banner should be added.
  6. Tobi

    Approved Update Application - KL3

    o/ Hello and sorry for the long wait. Due to a small technical difficulty i couldnt do an update post for kl3. But we have done a good amount of progress as seen in the pictures. Plans are same as before that the low class strip will continue for the whole section next to the wall. To fit the...
  7. Tobi

    Approved Update Application - KL3

    Straightened up some of the plotting on the right and the area Emote marked.
  8. Tobi

    Approved Update Application - KL3

    Aight, Kd and me replottet the souther "blocks" so they have a more kl1 like courtyard. The plots at the wall layed out a bit more natural to give them the effect if the fields that were there. Between the "bigger" houses that are plottet will be tents and small huts that can be build in like 2...
  9. Tobi

    Approved Update Application - KL3

    Also worked on some more middle class house tests. Left 2 will make up a majority of the district.
  10. Tobi

    Approved Update Application - KL3

    Plotting is done. there will be small sheds and tents on the wall so its more clumped up.
  11. Tobi

    Approved Update Application - KL3

    Also when having most of the houses as multitenants walkways like in the picture (kl1) would be perfect.
  12. Tobi

    Approved Update Application - KL3

    Did some House test for the "Flee bottomish" lookin area. These type of houses and will be at the streets and in the "storage areas". And were the old fields are will be small huts that look like they were built in 2 hours to have the more clumbed up plotting. I also want to add Kd to the...
  13. Tobi

    KL Update Map and Guide - Update 8 March 2021 (New Districts) The stages explained in here i think.
  14. Tobi

    Approved Update Application - KL3

    District Description: KL3 is a district cornered by the Street of Seeds to the west, Street of Silk to the east and Swepherds Way to the south. With nothing really important in it canon wise. New canon: I found no canon for the district since there I nothing canon worthy in it. (If someone...
  15. Tobi

    Approved House Sweet by Tobi

    done :)