Recent content by Noxillius

  1. N

    Noxillius Builder Application

    Hey, man! I'm so sorry it took me so long but I had a bit of real life stuff preventing me from having any time for this, hope you understand. Anyways, I'll get working on it right away!
  2. N

    Noxillius Builder Application

    Hello!! I'm done with the Low Class house, you didn't tell me the profession or family size of the owner so I just made them a lonely blacksmith. In retrospect, you did say that most of the houses in Westeros belong to low class farmers and I probably should've made that but it's a bit too late...
  3. N

    Noxillius Builder Application

    Thanks for the fast reply! I'll get on it right away! And, yes, I was going after the Winterfell houses cause it's my favourite city in the ASOIAF universe, except those flat useless roofs
  4. N

    Noxillius Builder Application

    14 Bulgaria I googled ''a song of ice and fire minecraft'' and got your website as the first result I have the Harry Potter books and ''Game of Thrones'', but except for the first aSoIaF book I haven't read any other medieval fantasy books. I have watched the entire Game of Thrones...