Recent content by Luk

  1. Luk

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  2. Luk

    Approved Central Riverlands Megabuild by Ravish, Ric and Scubooty

    Hey hey hey. I would like to apply for the Harrentown Septry build. My test is heavily inspired by the Fontenay Abbey, one of the oldest and most complete Cistercian abbeys in Europe from the 12th century I encourage you to take a closer look at the entire test at /warp luk Just some...
  3. Luk

    Approved Project Application: House Foxglove by Opaco

    Hey Opaco123 Im wondering if you are still willing to go through with this project? I don't see that there has been any progress the last 1.5 years, after you nuked a chunk of the map and replaced it with that pink colored desert, which really pulls attention if you look at the dynmap. All the...
  4. Luk

    Completed Fairmarket (EStoop)

    Post approved from me. Great project!
  5. Luk

    Approved Project Application: House Foxglove by Opaco

    Hey Opaco123 I think my concerns have been adressed with the new map. I'm happy to approve the project too, so you can go ahead and start when you're ready :) Let me or Elduwin know if you have any questions or if you're considering bigger deviations from your laid out plans. I hope we can be...
  6. Luk

    Approved Northern Reach Megabuild "Springhamshire" (Tumbleton, Risley, Smithyton)

    Hey! after a bit back-and-forth and some changes i'm happy to approve your mini :) You just need another mod approval now and then you can feel free to paste your plans into the production world. Thank you very much!
  7. Luk

    builderamongus Builder Application

    Hey builderamongus It looks like you forgot to put in a chimneystack, or its not visible from the screenshots, but in FM the chmineys are pretty dominant features. If you have a furnace, you need a chimney connected to it, leading to the outside. Again, you forgot to cover up the other sides...
  8. Luk

    Abandoned House Goode by Patrick_0901

    Hi Patrick/Yzyc wondering what the current project status is. I don't think i've seen you online in a while. Let me know if you're still available to continue the project. Best Regards!
  9. Luk

    builderamongus Builder Application

    Hey builderamongus Sorry i kept you waiting. And thanks Ric for heads-up ;) i think you are well aware of your situation and i hope we can all work together to make this work. thanks for the build, i think it looks really good quality already! Heres my feedback: Good gradients, you nailed it...
  10. Luk

    builderamongus Builder Application

    Hey builderamongus, thanks for applying and thank you for waiting :) For your first challenge build, please make a Low Class Farmer's house in the style of /warp stonedance and share screenshots of it in this thread. Take note of commonalities between the houses (block mix, shape of roof...
  11. Luk

    Approved Project Application: House Foxglove by Opaco

    Hey opaco, sorry we kept you waiting so long. A lot of factors play into such a decision to approve. But after reading through the thread i only have one wish from you: could you put together an up-to-date map of your plans, with all locations in it? It would greatly help to understand your...
  12. Luk

    Approved Northern Reach Megabuild "Springhamshire" (Tumbleton, Risley, Smithyton)

    Hey Walrus, thanks for applying and preparing the plotting! I have to second the feedback by Aeks, try to make the angles fit better together, so the corners look more like 90 degree angles. Also, i would just remove the red plot right in the middle to make room for a well and maybe some place...
  13. Luk

    Abandoned House Goode by Patrick_0901

    Cool! yea looks good to me too :)
  14. Luk

    Abandoned House Goode by Patrick_0901

    Hey Deiniol, I appreciate your initiative. I just want to remind you, that the purpose of a Mini project is to practice plotting and overseeing other builders, giving feedback etc. If you already did all the work, and just paste it in, thats not a Mini, just a Special build. For more...
  15. Luk

    Approved Northern Reach Megabuild "Springhamshire" (Tumbleton, Risley, Smithyton)

    PROGRESS REPORT After more than a year, i thought an update might be in order :D Risley Glade: The castle still misses a yard and I want to further work on the interiors. Not a priority at this point though. Risley Town still misses some interiors, detailing and yards. Risley Manor is done...