Recent content by Homiesucc

  1. Homiesucc

    Robb's Camp by Homiesucc and Finn01

    It's possible by now he's already at the Ruby Ford or the crossroads, but itd be better for him to be at the twins yeah
  2. Homiesucc

    Robb's Camp by Homiesucc and Finn01

    Okay well massive change of plans, as my good friend stoop is about to explain
  3. Homiesucc

    Robb's Camp by Homiesucc and Finn01

    Oooooo i see what you mean yeah. Manned palisades and small watchtowers along the roads yes. I made this map a lot faster so just imagine the borders are a lot wavier. Also imagine tents through the towns etc
  4. Homiesucc

    Robb's Camp by Homiesucc and Finn01

    Yeah ric if you look at the tests you can see most of the tents are just white wool with a few furs iirc. The only ones that are house themed are the tents belonging to specific people like captains, knights, lords etc. Also Riverrun does not have infinite bedrooms lol, there's more or less 60...
  5. Homiesucc

    Robb's Camp by Homiesucc and Finn01

    I apologise for the size, I was just going off the map you showed me lol. and yeah, I was planning on just stealing your angled ones lol. the only thing that concerns me is this isnt going to be big enough. consider hgtourney's size and the fact that's only made to represent a few hundred people.
  6. Homiesucc

    Approved Update Application - KL2 by the weird russian lady

    Yes, I've been working with aeks and aino for a while now to upgrade the plotting, and its on my old plot at /warp Homiesucc. Additionally we thought of better reasons why it would be named the "street of seeds" either A, lots of sycamores planted by jaehaerys or any of the wiser targaryens...
  7. Homiesucc

    Robb's Camp by Homiesucc and Finn01

  8. Homiesucc

    Approved House Costayne of Three Towers by ContraBlonde

    what the fuck is tower of terror and why does it have a hamlet Also, in regards to Carmel-by-the-sea, why would there be a village on the sea at all when they could just live further north and be relatively safer
  9. Homiesucc

    Block Change Request: Tomb Blocks and Empty Tomb Blocks

    Request: Tomb Blocks and Empty Tomb Blocks Request Type: General Addition Try to describe all workarounds and associated issues that make it necessary to add this block in your eyes. requested by Emot because we essentially have no real way of making empty tombs without winterfell...
  10. Homiesucc

    Approved House Mollen - Finn

    Based as fuck
  11. Homiesucc

    Block Change Request: Cash's House Banners

    do the BWB even exist yet?
  12. Homiesucc

    Block Change Request: Cash's House Banners

    For the sake of completion could we please get a blackfyre? just swap the colors on the targ one
  13. Homiesucc

    Approved Project Application: Antlers

    It had so much more depth before, do you have enough pictures that we can just change it back?
  14. Homiesucc

    The Hall of a Hundred Hearths

    Applying for me and maj's test to be applied, follows all the requirements though since it was made before the update, shit still needs to be done /warp MajBiomes