Recent content by Gealrüable

  1. Gealrüable

    Why we use the book's redkeep, not the one in series.

    The iron throne could be made BIGGER!
  2. Gealrüable

    Approved Project Application: House Gower by Jeff

    an argument for starting with herston: it borders bolling, it makes sense to do the rainwood and the transition to the plain at the same time
  3. Gealrüable

    Block Change Request: Drying Hay Blocks / dry spruce leaves

    I don't really follow you. What do you mean with extended textures? Half fence? No model but new textures?
  4. Gealrüable

    Block Change Request: Drying Hay Blocks / dry spruce leaves

    here an ingame example of a hayrack and hoanzen with spruce leaves, hay bale and thatch A dedicated drying hay-block would be great! Though I'm unsure how well the downwards drooping would look. Just a recoloured spruce i think would do the job, and it's also good when a block can find many use...
  5. Gealrüable

    Block Change Request: Drying Hay Blocks / dry spruce leaves

    Request: Drying Hay Blocks / dry spruce leaves Request Type: Unique Addition (specific to a build, region, or culture) Describe the use of this block in said build, region, or culture. How is it unique? To the best of your knowledge how could it be used in a different context? With the...
  6. Gealrüable

    Approved Project Application: House Ruthermont by Uthormadman424 & Agrhendaer

    really like the app! one small fb: I'm unsure wether i've found the correct castletests, but they all seem to be rather horizontal with the layout. Since this is in the Vale, I think you should take the opportunity to make use of a more hilly/mountainous terrain and make the layout much more...
  7. Gealrüable

    Approved South Cape Wrath redo Appeal.

    Herston is nothing but a small village and a (albeit nice) keep - to satisfy canon the terrain needs to be redone, more villages need to be added, it just doesn't really make sense to call it an "update" then. It would only force Jeff to keep the existing coastline, undermining his vision of the...
  8. Gealrüable

    Approved House Tully of Riverrun

    Super exited! :D, Love to see a pink Riverrun! Since flooding would be a constant worry for the castle, seeing this reflected in the architecture might be interesting - a focus on the upper floors, raised buildings, maybe additional drainage canals (especially for dungeons)?
  9. Gealrüable

    Block Requests - Discussion

    Currently, there are 114 pending block requests, stretching back over 2 years, most posts getting basically no feedback. The process might best be modeled by a big lootbox of random ideas, waiting in everlasting damnation. And every odd solar eclipse a beaming wizard reads the stars so a few may...
  10. Gealrüable

    Block Change Request: Mossy roof-blocks

    Request: Mossy roof-blocks Request Type: Unique Addition (specific to a build, region, or culture) Describe the use of this block in said build, region, or culture. How is it unique? To the best of your knowledge how could it be used in a different context? Moss covered roofs would especially...
  11. Gealrüable

    Hey, guys, who do academic writing!

    Use Sci-Hub just google sci-hub and see which link currently works remove all barriers in science, and give Alexandra a medal!
  12. Gealrüable

    Approved Southeastern Vale Megabuild (Wickenden, Ruthermont, Redfort, Runestone/Gulltown Peninsula) by Emoticone11

    Love this! For some inspiration on the chalets (and general all things swiss): (many houses are 18th an 19th century, but there are some late medieval among them) personally I'm quite fond of the schwyzer chalets and some types from...
  13. Gealrüable

    Withdrawn Moore Redo Appeal

    I'm very exited to see things moving in the Vale, looking forward to your ideas! Please let this happen, great Gods of Westeros!
  14. Gealrüable

    Stormlands Projects Review

    Just a warning, since it has happened a few times now: if you dont want to give away your full name, see what username you're using before making a comment (or accidental suggestions)