Recent content by CashBanks

  1. CashBanks

    Approved [APPEAL APPROVED] Project Application: Dreadfort by Banty & SMP

    Thanks Din! Smailholm Tower looks good as a source of inspiration. It's certainly looks more practical and properly scaled than the old Gloomdale. My main suggestion would be to try leaning into the gloom a little more. I imagine there's scope to add a bit of dread to the aesthetic (could be...
  2. CashBanks

    Approved [APPEAL APPROVED] Project Application: Dreadfort by Banty & SMP

    New Mini available - Gloomdale re-do. /warp gloomdale Gloomdale's an ancient build from the days of the original Dreadfort. I'm always hesitant with re-dos, but I think the planet minecraft aesthetic, combined with its close proximity to the main village means it's worth fixing it up. I've...
  3. CashBanks

    Approved [APPEAL APPROVED] Project Application: Dreadfort by Banty & SMP

    Appreciate the time and thought put into the notes Jake. I do think Banty and SMP put a lot of thought into their styleguides and maintain that the established designs are still more or less consistent with contemporary standards. I'm fine to add more details to the gradients/show more signs...
  4. CashBanks

    Project Application: House Kidwell of Ivy Hall

    Hi 7, I can jump on as approving mod to this one as well. Once you get started please copy the current castle over to Old Builds for preservation. While our terra tools are still more limited, I'd kindly ask you to refrain from any sweeping changes to the terrain. Since the current Kidwell...
  5. CashBanks

    Approved [APPEAL APPROVED] Project Application: Dreadfort by Banty & SMP

    Thanks Ric! Yes, despite my best efforts I can't seem to escape snow layers. I don't particularly mind the default worldpainter snow transition that's used across most of the map. I think the noisier transition is a little more smooth/natural than the larger perlin shapes at Frost (examples...
  6. CashBanks

    Approved [APPEAL APPROVED] Project Application: Dreadfort by Banty & SMP

    LET THE RULING CLASSES TREMBLE AT A COMMUNIST REVOLUTION. THE PROLETARIANS HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE BUT THEIR CHAINS. THEY HAVE A WORLD TO WIN. WORKERS OF THE WORLD, UNITE! I'm humbly seeking to foster the Dreadfort project, completing the glorious work of SMP and BantyRooster. (green/yellow...
  7. CashBanks

    NIghtfort Server Build - Gift Settlements

    Mini-app available to apply for at /warp giftham7 Looking for someone to plot/build a small hamlet in the New Gift south of Queen's Crown. It's in ruins, abandoned when they moved the King's Road from leading to the Nighfort to Castle Black. Giftham1 and giftham3 can be used as inspiration for...
  8. CashBanks

    Castle Black - Update Thread

    In snow-kissed silence, Castle Black stands with might, Its battlements etched against the night. Guardian of realms, against shadows creep. Evil retreats, silenced by this icy keep. Castle Black Update Canon Issues? - Tunnel through the wall needs to have three iron gates block the inner...
  9. CashBanks

    Approved Project application: Ambrose (new)

    Hey Mar_quess, great application! As one of the OG Ambrose mods I'm happy to see you've taken up the mantle for the project. I really like how you've taken onboard the feedback from the other builders and the latest tests are looking really good. Out of the nearby projects, I think Holyhall...
  10. CashBanks

    Block Change Request: Update to snowy thatch stairs

    Request: Update to snowy thatch stairs Request Type: Bugfix Describe the issue as detailed as possible, outline all the steps that lead to undesired behaviour. Include in which biome you have observed the effect. Include a screenshot of your video settings. Snowy thatch stairs currently...
  11. CashBanks

    Castle Black - Update Thread

    Wall Tunnel The gate guards the tunnel through the Wall, which is long, twisting and narrow. Three iron gates block the inner passage. Each of these gates is locked and has a murder hole above it. The outer door to the tunnel is solid oak, about nine inches thick. - Our tunnel is missing a bit...
  12. CashBanks

    Castle Black - Update Thread

    Other buildings The Common Hall: A great timbered wooden keep, crows nest up in the rafters and the posts are meant to be stained black with soot. - The overall design seems good, but the wooden planks and logs are a bit hectic and could be tidied up. - Would swap out the dirt floors for...
  13. CashBanks

    Castle Black - Update Thread

    Canon Locations The Lance Tower The tallest tower in Castle Black, it is stated to be a third the size of the Wall. A long and thin tower, it is said to be crumbling, in a state of semi-disrepair. Jon states to Tyrion that most of the towers are abandoned and Nick wanted to have this as a...