Recent content by BSGProdigy

  1. BSGProdigy

    BSGProdigy Builder Application

    Alrighty, so I've got a brand new mid-class chandler's house for your viewing pleasure! This is home and shop of one of the most respected chandlers in White Harbor. However, he is in his 60s, and so he only takes one or two projects at a time. His loving wife of 40 years lives with him, and...
  2. BSGProdigy

    BSGProdigy Builder Application

    I'm out of country on vacation for a few weeks starting now, so I'll probably have the first challenge ready early January. Thanks.
  3. BSGProdigy

    BSGProdigy Builder Application

    Uh its been about 9 days now....
  4. BSGProdigy

    BSGProdigy Builder Application

    Hi. I changed my name on minecraft a week ago to Alexiad98, but forgot to change it on the forums (if that is even possible). Just saying to clear up any confusion. Thanks.
  5. BSGProdigy

    BSGProdigy Builder Application

    19 USA / Malaysia Youtube videos, specifically the one that interviewed Pizza. I think it was time magazine or something like that. Elder Scrolls series Game of Thrones All of the above Bronze Yohn Royce, the most honorable man in the Vale. Plus he has badass bronze armor...