The Spring 2023 edition of The Rookery is now out! Take a look to see the latest builds, guides, progress and development updates on the upcoming 1.18.2 switch. You can read it here:
Got some house tests on my new plot now with a mill - it's only a smaller one though but if you would really like to see the main mill I can have a go later this week.
I only intend to stick to the application map as it's already perfect so why derail from it ;)
Urgently looking for any free editors to help blend out a few areas + do a bit of terraforming on the border of starfall near ladyham4
I've been doing everything virtually by hand but with these little things I know it would be much faster with a skilled editor <3
Feel free to help wherever/do...
Ladybright keep and main town are completed along with the terraforming around them!!
Ladyham1 should be done as well and Ladyham2 just needs a bit more terraforming until completion. I'd say at a year on I'm about 80% done with the project? Just need to set up some more hamlets along the coast...
Yay! I live in the Sonoran desert which compared to most is pretty green - people here collect rain water all the time and dig wells so I'm thinking making it similar to that. I also purposefully made the only settlements near the ocean as greenery can be supported through moisture/fog from the...
Yeah these are good I was trying to find pictures that looked like this. My other inspiration is puerto penasco in Mexico it has straight up desert touching the beach - this has the same vibe
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