Completed Project Application: Wull


A Knight at the Opera
Staff member
It's based on the Scottish broch style of fort, but it does indeed look like a bee hive haha

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A Knight at the Opera
Staff member
Ok, brace yourselves, but I think Wull might finally be ready for post-approval.
I won't pop the champagne just yet, as I'm sure I could've missed some tidy-ups.

@Wazgamer and @Elduwin when you have a chance to take a look, keep an eye out for:
- Snow goofs (snow layers inside houses or floating)
- Trees not covered in snow or floating, or big holes where I've deleted some.
- Terra goofs, snow blocks underneath Northern Terrain blocks or anything floating.
- Paths, might be too much dirt/gravel/mud in places, I've tried to pair it down with more muddy snow but let me know.

- Wull
- Wullvillage1, Wullvillage2, Wullvillage3
- Wullhamlet1, Wullhamlet2, Wullhamlet3, Wullhamlet4, Wullhamlet5, Wullhamlet6, Wullhamlet7
- Wullmine


Hey @CashBanks
So, I've reviewed all warps, and tried to fly around as much as possible in between, following the roads and paths.

I'm afraid I don't really consider this project done yet.
On my 1st review of the main village, I put melons on many houses, about style, block use, snow inside, etc. While after looking at it now it looks good, the other locations would really need that you take another look at them. I feel like you don't really have made a final review of the whole project.

A few things I'd like to point out:
- several houses at village 3 are not done
- wull cave is still flying above
- the main "fort" (idk how to call it) in village 1 and 3 are exactly the same, copy/pasted... I'd like you to either redo completely one, or to at least make it distinguishable
- while I recognize the hard work you put into the terraforming and snow work, I feel you could give a bit more love to the paths and roads, several aren't clearly defined, and look messy. Also, there are still wool blocks and glowstones here and there.
- you can remove all the approved blocks and tags, and the style guide above main village

For all these reasons, I won't post approved till at least a month. If you think Wull is fully finished by then, I'll review it again :)
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A Knight at the Opera
Staff member
- several houses at village 3 are not done
Now all completed.

- wull cave is still flying above
Fixed! And added a big snoozing bear.

- the main "fort" (idk how to call it) in village 1 and 3 are exactly the same, copy/pasted... I'd like you to either redo completely one, or to at least make it distinguishable
Yess this was an oversight, I've changed the interior details and added a few more distinguishing features on the outside.
- while I recognize the hard work you put into the terraforming and snow work, I feel you could give a bit more love to the paths and roads, several aren't clearly defined, and look messy. Also, there are still wool blocks and glowstones here and there.
Have taken another pass and hopefully fixed up those goofs.

- you can remove all the approved blocks and tags, and the style guide above main village
Yep have cut those now.


Donkey Lord
Staff member
There is a weird patch where the slab path disappears in Wullvillage3. its just below the carved gate thingy

though I was mentioned twice in the honour roll. once as aeksio and again as AeksioOndos lol
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