Completed Project Application: Wull


A Knight at the Opera
Staff member
Hey everyone, here's my proposal for the chance to finish the region of the Wull Clan, a really cool (orphaned) project, one that has a unique character and is canonically significant.

Google doc

As you can see from the app, I've already done a tonne of testing on my plot, and that combined with the existing finished builds by Droidsteel and 2008ash means this should be a fairly straightforward project to finish.



A Knight at the Opera
Staff member
Have had a chat with Enah, Emote and Waz in game who've suggested some ideas:
- While updating the existing stronghold and hamlet I'll make sure to logic check all the house interiors for any inaccuracies (beds not close to the fire, too cluttered, too many load bearing logs etc)
- The main Wull stronghold has room for some more houses, and with a bit of shuffling I've found room for about 4 more.
- Since the Northern Clans are famous for their hospitality, Enah also suggested it would make sense to add a feast hall. I've found room for one in the centre of town (though we'd need to sacrifice a house). I've done a test on my plot and added some pics in the app.

I've updated the app to include these points.
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Lord Paramount of The Riverlands
Hio, just a note if you're looking for any info about real life parallels to clans known for their hospitality. The highland clans of Scotland had many traditions (like offering soup to all guests as a sign of safety and comfort) believe George actually used this as a base for bread and salt! ^_^


A Knight at the Opera
Staff member
Since the app is a bit dense, here's a summary of what I'd like to do as part of Phase 1 of the app.
Phase 1 - Update Existing Builds

1.1 Finish/Update Wull
1.1.1 Plot and Build docks/ships and lighthouse
1.1.2 Add snow to thatch roofs
1.1.3 Finish frozen fields
1.1.4 Add an au natural Godwood and Heart Tree to the nearby forest.
1.1.5 Replace mossy palisades with regular wood
1.1.6 Add a fighting pit
1.1.7 Add more houses/Feast hall

1.2 Finish/Update the other existing Wull locations.



A Knight at the Opera
Staff member
Update 1.2
Since my last post I've had the inner stronghold and broch copied to my plot which has given me the chance to test out some re-designs.

1.1 Finish/Update Wull
1.1.1 Plot and Build docks/ships and lighthouse
1.1.2 Add snow to thatch roofs
1.1.3 Finish frozen fields
1.1.4 Add an au natural Godwood and Heart Tree to the nearby forest.
1.1.5 Replace mossy palisades with regular wood
1.1.6 Add a fighting pit
1.1.7 Add more houses
1.1.8 Add feast hall to inner stronghold based on plot test

1.2 Finish/Update the other existing Wull locations.

I'd love any feedback anyone might have, either here or some melons on my plot. Let me know if I'm totally off with this proposal, I've tried to make it pretty comprehensive but I could've missed something obvious so let me know if I have. Thanks!


Lord Paramount of The Riverlands
Hio Cash I've been been looking around at your tests in game and have compiled some feedback for you :D
It's noting too major but i'll just list it off.

  • Roofs - Many of them are impractical shapes that would cause snow/rain to collect in them, not fall off. Examples of this are the stables and the keep. The stables have a triple point /\/\/\ (kinda like that) the snow would collect in the middle dips in the roof and over time the roof would eventually collapse due to this weight. A similar effect is also seen on the keep roof, where the roof meets the wall there appears to be a gutter running around the base of the roof however i don't see a method for snow/water to escape from the gutter,which would lead to leaking in the keep my proposal to fixing this would be to raise the roof 1 block so the gutter would no longer exist.
  • Towers - The towers from the original Wull are very dated and i feel although you've improved on this the towers are still not on par with server standards, this is due to the very blockly shape it conveys. I'd appreciate if you experiment with them a bit more. I did a little test on my plot to see what else you could do, it's pretty basic but I'll show you it next time you're on and hopefully it'll give you some ideas :D
Those were my main concerns, I have some other minor feedback that I'm sure we could address in-game.
Thanks :D
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A Knight at the Opera
Staff member
Hey Waz, brilliant, thanks for taking a look!
I see your point about the stables and watch towers. I probably shouldn't have assumed that something approved in 2015 would still pass muster nowadays. I'll test a new roof for the stables and check out your watch tower when I'm on next.
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A Knight at the Opera
Staff member
Hey Waz, yep just been busy with a Uffering hamlet mini-app for Eld.
I've reviewed every existing house in the main Wull village and the three hamlets and checked them for known issues like being too cluttered/beds right next to front door away from the fire.
5 houses among the hamlets and 10 in the main village need to be updated.

Here's some examples of good and bad house interiors, and the updated keep, stables and watch towers.

Here's the updated list of what I need approval for:
1.1 Finish/Update Wull
1.1.1 Plot and Build docks/ships and lighthouse
1.1.2 Replace thatch roofs, broch roof and update watch towers
1.1.3 Finish frozen fields
1.1.4 Add an au natural Godwood and Heart Tree to the nearby forest.
1.1.5 Replace mossy palisades with regular wood
1.1.6 Add a fighting pit
1.1.7 Add more houses
1.1.8 Add feast hall to inner stronghold based on plot test

1.2 Finish/Update the other existing Wull locations.


Lord Paramount of The Riverlands
I've looked over the in-game tests that you made adjustments to, I'm very pleased with them as they remove some of the datedness from the project but don't look out of place at the same time.



Hey Cash
I've reviewed your app and waz's comments, this all looks really good!
Just have a few details and advices:
- change the gates in the Wull town (the one at the entrance of the town and the one at the keep) they don't look very nice, could use fences instead
- use slabs for the roads, i noticed many miss dirt/gravel slabs
- replace the crates blocks inside the walls of the main keep, looks weird, and use one wood type only (spruce or jungle, I'd go for spruce tho), ints also need a bit of update

Other than that, I approve this app! :)
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A Knight at the Opera
Staff member
Pizza be praised!
Very excited to start.
This is the to-do list for Phase 1:
1.1 Finish/Update Wull
1.1.1 Plot and Build docks/ships and lighthouse
1.1.2 Replace thatch roofs, broch roof and update watch towers
1.1.3 Finish frozen fields
1.1.4 Add an au natural Godwood and Heart Tree to the nearby forest.
1.1.5 Replace mossy palisades with regular wood
1.1.6 Add a fighting pit
1.1.7 Add more houses
1.1.8 Add feast hall to inner stronghold based on plot test

1.2 Finish/Update the other existing Wull locations.

I'll keep you posted on the status of each and they're ready for more feedback.


A Knight at the Opera
Staff member
Week 2 Update!

Wull Phase 1 is going great.
The following steps have all been completed and are ready for post-approval/feedback.

1.1 Finish/Update Wull motee and bailey
1.1.1 Plot and Build docks/ships and lighthouse
1.1.2 Replace thatch roofs, broch roof and update watch towers
1.1.3 Finish frozen fields​
  • the three existing fields have been filled with crops in varying states of decay/harvest. Through some research I learnt that some vegetables can survive the cold insulated under a layer of snow, thus why I've shown some to be green and healthy. 1.1.4 Add an au natural Godswood and Heart Tree to the nearby forest.- Finished, and expanded the forest a bit more.
1.1.5 Replace mossy palisades with regular wood
1.1.6 Add a fighting pit
1.1.7 Add more houses​
  • Three new houses have been added to the motte and bailey.1.1.8 Add feast hall to inner stronghold based on plot test
1.2 Finish/Update the other existing Wull locations.
  • I have inspected/fixed and approved every structure across the six existing Wull village, hamlets and holdfasts. - Details like ice fishing holes/hunting platforms, fishing racks and sleds have been added.

There are two things I'd like to do to finish off the existing builds.
Add more houses/trading post/livestock fields to the Wull stronghold

  • After finishing the existing crop fields I realised that livestock haven't really been catered for at Wull town. There's a nice spot on the coast with land available for some graising fields and the houses to take care of them. I've sketched out an extra 6 houses, bringing the total for the town to 31.
  • I also thought it would be worthwhile adding a Trading Post who could sell furs, pelts, swords to traders who arrive in port and serve as a first port of call for someone unfamiliar with the Wull clan

Terraform Wull Holfast 2.
This holdfast is in the middle of the Northern Mountains.The holdfast and adjoining houses are well made, but the area surrounding them is excessively barren and desolate.

With permission I'd like to expand the forest to the mountain valleys in it's surrounding areas, and also add a stream that runs westward through the mountains which could service the Holdfast and Village 1 and Hamlet 6.


A Knight at the Opera
Staff member
Steady progress has been made. Since turning my attention back to Wull I've spent most of the last few weeks terraforming the mountain range; laying down trees, updating the world painter boob mountains and adding in some rivers.


I'm pretty happy with the terra for the moment, I'll keep modifying the mountains to add a better sense of realism to them and there will always be more trees to add,

Updates to Wull town

Upon reflection I've decided the inner Wull town is too crowded. There's no space for yards and it looks cluttered. I've done a test of expanding the docks to the south west with a shipbuilding yard and a collection of houses. These will allow me to make some space within the inner walls for things like yards, vegetables, animals etc.
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