Abandoned Project Application: House Orme Update/Redo by Shymon


Street Preacher
The layout looks much better, though I have some points of feedback;
  • some yards (especially the ones in the left bottom corner) are borderline bubbly.
  • also, the sept could have a little garden and a small graveyard.
  • the cidery could be a complex in my opinion, something like /warp romocidery and I don't see the need for a cidery owner, because the peasants work in that cidery. Also the current cidery has a shape of parallelogram, which is bad, it needs to be a rotated triangle.
View attachment 7765View attachment 7766
Hey Shy! I finished the cidery test, finished dealing with the feedback you mentioned with the yards, and I fixed the shape of both the cidery, and another parallelogram shaped house in the corner.
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Lord Lannister
Hey Shy! I finished the cidery test, finished dealing with the feedback you mentioned with the yards, and I fixed the shape of both the cidery, and another parallelogram shaped house in the corner.
The plotting looks alright, I still have some feedback on the cidery (the feedback is inside the cidery). Otherwise I am inclined to approve, just address the bits of feedback I've left. ;)
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Lord Lannister
Shy, is there something you'd still like to add in the holdfast/hamlet?
We'll do the barn today, but other than that, I don't think so.

P.s. please don't ask such questions in the thread, use DMs instead, I don't want the thread to be flooded, it's already 4 pages long. And this applies to everyone reading this!
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Donkey Lord
Staff member
Only thing I am worried about the steep angle of some of those plots. I'd say have more unangled plots.
You only have one unangled plot and its a bit unusual. Yes, angles are visually interesting but you can also make unangled plots visually interesting too!
What I'd recommend is making the barn and the house in the bottom right unangled, with the bottom right house having an annex or other small extension leading off from it.
Just my view not anything more than a recommendation.


Street Preacher
Shy has decided to split my hamlet into two parts: the Cidery complex and the Hamlet itself. If you'd like to check out the plotting and notes for the Cidery complex go to /warp milfton (temporary warp unless otherwise approved :> ) The plotting is not yet finished but if you have any feedback feel free to leave some melons :) I'd love to hear it!


Shy has decided to split my hamlet into two parts: the Cidery complex and the Hamlet itself. If you'd like to check out the plotting and notes for the Cidery complex go to /warp milfton (temporary warp unless otherwise approved :> ) The plotting is not yet finished but if you have any feedback feel free to leave some melons :) I'd love to hear it!
I'll check it out when I get the time!


Faith Militant
Hey there!

Hereby i would like to apply for the forest hamlet to the west of Orme.
The layout can be found in the attached picture.

If you got feedback, let me know!

PS. Layout location can be found at my plot ./warp Patrick


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Lord Lannister
Hey there!

Hereby i would like to apply for the forest hamlet to the west of Orme.
The layout can be found in the attached picture.

If you got feedback, let me know!

PS. Layout location can be found at my plot ./warp Patrick
Alright, the layout seems decent enough, though I would like to know where the road going east leads? Also, I would recommend making the yards less bubbly (specifically the eastern and north-eastern ones), you can achieve this by making the diagonal lines have an equal ratio between them. See image below for further details.
Screen Shot 2021-05-21 at 21.19.40.png

I do not think a farmer is needed in a hamlet like this, the hamlet's main produce is forest stuff, and well, there's not much space for farming, so I'd replace it them with something else, more related to forest.

Also I think the hamlet is too small for a need of a septon, people would just pray in the sept, even the sept could be a little smaller (but I'll have to discuss the sept with somebody who knows more about septs). Additionally, I would recommend moving the lumberjack workspace near the lumberjacks, because it doesn't make sense, at least to my narrow understanding, to have a lumberjack's workspace away from their houses.

And lastly, I would like to ask if you did enough research on production of forest glass, because I am not sure if a regular house would suffice for such industry. From very little research I've done, the production of forest glass requires bigger spaces than a house/outdoor workspace.

I think that's all for now, I might help you with planning if I am online. I'm looking forward for your next draft, it's a good start.


Faith Militant
How about this? I have added no real changes to the central layout, but i have changed the professions of some houses, I removed the septon. And i did some more research to the process of making forest glass. Making forest glass is an old medieval profession, it requires sand ash and wood to make, and workshops were always in the open air. So i have added a glass blowers furnice in the open yard and i will use the house itself for selling and living. I added a medieval picture of the profesion i found.


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Lord Lannister
How about this? I have added no real changes to the central layout, but i have changed the professions of some houses, I removed the septon. And i did some more research to the process of making forest glass. Making forest glass is an old medieval profession, it requires sand ash and wood to make, and workshops were always in the open air. So i have added a glass blowers furnice in the open yard and i will use the house itself for selling and living. I added a medieval picture of the profesion i found.
Looks better, but I still have some feedback; I would rather recommend having a public well instead of a private one. I would like to know what is the purpose of the trader? Because it seems to me like the remote forest location doesn't have enough commerce to support a trader.

Also, about the glass blower, I don't think he needs a selling area in his house, since he would usually ride to nearby towns (like Orme town or Tumbleton) to sell the glass. The produced forest glass needs to be stored somewhere, where will you store it? And since the glass blower will travel to nearby towns to sell, a horse and a cart is needed aswell. I'll leave you to solve these questions. ;)

And lastly, I would like to ask you what are your plans on the sand pits? What do you have on mind?

Overall I think this is going in a good direction, so keep up the good work.
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Faith Militant
hey Shymon,
I have read your feeback and i do agree with most of it, i will break down some awnsers i wanted to give you, about the topics we discussed.

Well and Trader
The well i moved to a more central location in the village so that all the inhabitants can make use of it, its in the middle of the road leaving enough space for small carts to pass by it, and seeing as this is not a busy road this shouldnt be an issue.
As for the trader, i did some research to what in medieval times would be called a trader. You basicly had 2 kinds, the traders in the big towns would be more wealthy and are called burghers. They could get their hands on anything like spices and wine etc. And in the small hamlets you had people who could get their hands on stuff villagers would propably need, like materials iron, metal etc. It also wasnt a full time profession, the house would prob have a small shop area where some stuff would be on display but not to much its more like a home where some goods get bought and sold. This would be essential for any hamlet or village to do well. because most of these people would never visit the marked in for example Orme, but the "trader" sometimes does.

Glass Blower
I have taken your feedback and changed the house up some more, the main building is now split in 2,there is a storage for the made glass, and a space where the family would live and sleep. Also next to the furnace would be space to store wood and sand, required to make the glass. The yard has a main entrance where a cart could ride in and out. And I added a stable for the horses the glassblower would need to pull his cart to the marked. I think this would make it a full functional workshop for this profession. I made a small map where i show the locations of everything.

Sand Pits
Like shown in the earlier medieval picture there would be people working out in the woods to aquire the needed materials for the glass, in some forrest sand pits could be found, needed for making the glass, I think making a small camp to the east of the village with a little shack a fire and some tools would be nice, showing that the villagers really do go out to gather the wood and sand and other materials they need. This can be included with building the hamlet.
I added a picture to show what i mean.


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