Abandoned [Ported] Harvest Hall by IwanDeLarch


  • This is more than 3 years old and certainly not up to date anymore. Porting the entire thread for transparency, however.

@5605300 said:

House Selmy

Harvest Hall

"A hall to die in, and men to bury me.
I thank you, my lords...but I spit on your pity...I am a knight...
I shall die a knight."

- Barristan Selmy

A project Application by IwanDeLarch

Table of Contents
I Background Information

A The Selmys

B Harvest Hall

C Dornish Marches

II Inspiration
III Plans and Layouts

A Location

B Layout

C Surrounding Area

D Tests

IV Conclusion

I Background information
Harvest Hall is a castle in the Dornish Marches and part of the Stormlands. Lord Arstan Selmy of Harvest Hall is one of the Marcher Lords.
On WesterosCraft, Harvest Hall has first been applied for Oct. 26th 2012 by myself. The keep and town have been finished by June 18th, 2013. Surrounding areas have not been started due to the switch to a new map.

A House Selmy
A Wiki of Ice and Fire
House Selmy of Harvest Hall is a noble house from the Stormlands. Its seat is Harvest Hall. They blazon their arms with three stalks of yellow wheat on brown.

According to semi-canon sources, House Selmy are only landed knights. However in the appendix of A Dance with Dragons, the head of the house is listed as a full lord, making the Selmys marcher Lords.

The known Selmys during the timespan described in A Song of Ice and Fire are:
- Lord Arstan Selmy, Lord of Harvest Hall.
- Ser Barristan Selmy, his great-uncle. Barristan the Bold, a member of the Kingsguard.

Ser Lyonel Selmy was the Knight of Harvest Hall and the father of Ser Barristan Selmy.

House Selmy supports Renly during the War of the Five Kings.

The Citadel
House Selmy, who are landed knights [are Bannerman of House Baratheon.]

The Selmys have their seat, Harvest Hall, in the Dornish Marches

B Harvest Hall
A Wiki of Ice and Fire
Harvest Hall is the seat of House Selmy in the Stormlands. It is located in the Dornish Marches and is near the eastern border of the Reach. The vicinity of Harvest Hall is arable and produces more crops than most regions of the Stormlands.

According to semi-canon sources, House Selmy are only landed knights. However in the appendix of A Dance with Dragons, the head of the house is listed as a full lord [...].

The marcher lords have a very strong martial tradition and have formidable castles, as they defended against Dornish incursions for thousands of years. Marcher houses include [...]House Selmy of Harvest Hall [...].

The Citadel
The house is led by a knight. [...]

For thousands of years, the marcher lords were the first line of defense against Dornish incursions, so they have strong martial traditions and some strong castles.

Dornish Marches Styleguide
Due to the frequent skirmishes with the Dornish, the Marcher Lords build more defence-oriented casltes than others. Emphasis on defence should face the south/which ever way invading Dornish would come from.
Include watchtowers in your projects -- think of those mountain beacon signals in LOTR.

Note: None of various other online sources added any further valuable information.

C The Dornish Marshes
A Wiki of Ice and Fire
The Dornish Marches is an area of the southwestern Stormlands bordering Dorne, the Reach and the Sea of Dorne. Its landscape includes plains and the northern Red Mountains. [...]

For over a thousand years the marches were common battlegrounds between the Stormlands, the Reach and Dorne [...].
[...] it serves as an effective buffer zone between the old enemies.

Dornish Marches Styleguide
The Dornish Marches are a mountain range separating Dorne from the other Kingdoms of Westeros. They are often in contest between regions [...]

The Dornish Marshes (lat. margo = "edge", "border") are a strip of land bordering the Reach in their west and Dorne and the Sea of Dorne in the south. They are part of the Stormlands.
They include vast plains and the fertile lands around the headwaters of the Cockleswent and the Blue Byrn and the northern parts of the Red Mountains, where the climate gets more arid and the ground is less fertile.
The most frequented road leads from the ruins of Summerhall to the northern entry of the Boneway in the Red Mountains.
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@5605300 said:

II Inspiration

Rolling fields surrounding Castle Colmberg, Germany


Castle Moosham, Austria


Schottenturm, Castle Abenberg, Germany


Castle Riegersburg, Austria
III Plans and Layouts
A Location

Screencap from the Speculative Map. The orange line shows that Harvest Hall's approximate latitude lies almost halfway between Summerhall and Blackhaven, as the crow flies. It's longitude is approximately halfway between Ashford and Summerhall.

This map shows Harvest Hall and it's surrounding areas. Harvest Hall lies at a T-junction between Appleton (Reach) in the north-north-west, Nightsong in the west-south-west and a side-road of the Summerhall-Blackhaven road. Credit for the map goes to Demodocus.
The area around the current location uses a dornish terrain set, which makes it difficult to merge styles. Due to it's close proximity to the Reach, Harvest Hall will already have to blend two very distinctive styles. A merge of three very different, unique styles appears to be an impossible task.


The existing plateau at 990/19190 offers a perfect spot for a castle. It's easily defendable and offers a good overview of the valley below, including the road spanning between Nightsong and Appleton. A few small holdfasts or watchtowers would help keep control over the pass in the south-east.
B Layout
The Keep itself will be a small, yet stout and strong castle. Despite the fact that it's more home than a fortress, it's walls offer protection to a number of knights and soldiers. Instead of a curtain wall surrounding the keep and secondary buildings, these buildings form a protective ring around a central yard; the outer walls are supported by roofed walkways.
The castle of Harvest Hall will consist of these buildings:
Great Hall - the Lord's seat of power, offers a warm place at the fire and meat and mead to a score and a half.
Lord's Tower - the noble family's quarters, incl. a solar, a washroom and privy, a small dining room, and room for handmaidens; food storage in the cool, yet moist cellars.
Water Tower
- it's name comes from the cystern it was build upon; fresh water accessible from the ground floor. The two top floors were once a maester's place of study but are now only briefly used; still include a small solar and library and the r avenry, which is now taken care of by the castle's septonGuards' Tower - this tower offers accomodation to a number of knights and soldiers, but is mostly empty in times of peace; only a small number of fighters are garrisoned at the moment.
Gate Tower - protects the castle's main gate.
, incl. a smithy - a small collection of weapons and armor; the smith is busier fixing hoes or horseshoes than crafting battle equipment
- the cook is a true sorcerer and famous for his dark bread, greasy pork chops and porridge!
Servant quarters
, incl. a brewery - accomodates a number of servants and workers and includes the castle's true attraction, the brewery
Sept (not shown) - a small sept and lychyard can be found outside the castle.


C Surrounding Areas

Note: open in new tab!​
- the biggest hamlet; up to 10 houses, an inn and a half-empty market area
- a couple farm houses
- a few sheperds and livestock farmers, 1 weaver
- some farmers and forest workers, a small inn
- (optional) a few residences, a brothel, a tavern
Watchtowers/ Holdfasts:
- a small holdfast guarding the road to Nightsong
- a watchtower, no garrison, but not in disrepair
- a small holdfast protecting the mountain pass
- a hidden watchtower
- a Windmill
- a logging camp and sawmill (mules)
- a logging camp and sawmill (water)
- a small windmill
- a hunting cabin
- an Inn
- this valley will need some work; will be decided after discussion with Emileld (Gallowsgrey)
- the forest and streams need to be added

D Tests
All tests can be found at /warp iwan (at the two top layers; be warned, it's a mess!).
Lord's Tower


The Yard - this test is on a smaller scale.


Towers and Wall





Note: Due to Harvest Hall's close proximity to the Reach, a gradient transition into the different style is needed. The same buildings have been build using a slightly different palette. Lighter stone elements and white Daub & Wattle replace the dark brown Stormlands-specific blocks. The blue shutters are a mere suggestion and received both positive and negative feedback.



IV Conclusion
You might be thinking now, 'why are you applying for a project with the Lance still undone?' Well, to not burn out on it. Last time I tried to tackle a large scale terraforming (the Wall Castles), I didn't do anything else for weeks, and burnt out halfway through.This time, with what seems an even more difficult task, I want to avoid this. This might slow down progress over in the Vale, but I'd rather work on the Lance a little longer than having to force myself to finishing it. I'm sure you are on the same page.
Working on this application was a lot of fun. Thanks for reading, and thanks in advance for your feedback.

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@3044420 said:
Terrainset in the walls? I approve otherwise
@5605300 said:
I was waiting for this.

It's not part of the walls, it's the rock the walls are built upon.
@5603411 said:
Iwan lying in wait for Thamus. Hurry, I approve before he gets a chance to destroy you!
I love the yard test :)

edit: my one concern is why the lords tower has red slate as opposed to the black slate.
@5605300 said:
Uhm, because I didn't double check the images. I forgot to change the Yard test, which is older than the tower. Red is final.
@5604915 said:
Terrainset in Walls? REACH Shutters in the Stormlands?

Approved. Because your a hero for making an oldschool app on the forums, so that I dont need to force my slow internet to load an oversized google.doc!
@5605300 said:
The blue shutters are a mere suggestion and received both positive and negative feedback.
@5604915 said:
Can I help furnish the place? :3
@5605300 said:
@5604915 said:
Whats the status on this?

@5604915 said:
Can I help furnish the place? :3

Jokes aside, due to:

>King's Landing
>shitty Internet
>being busy

there wasn't much progress for a long time. I occasionally go back and add a few things, but there has not been one consecutive effort in a long time.
That being said, all plans are mostly ready to be executed when/if/as soon as I find the time. [user]353980[/user] has shown interest in helping me out/assisting a little, too.

You can expect progress on this in late summer, if I can keep my table clear off work at King's Landing. Completion of this project is estimated to be achieved in spring 2016.

Thank you.
@5604915 said:
You know, I never got an answer to that furnishing question :3 :-D

Also, I'm just doing my job, you happend to be on my list :p
@5604915 said:
Still going strong! Good work on this! Keep it up!
@5918059 said:
Picking this up in Dutch's stead :D I think I'm already pretty familiar with the place, since I'm always bugging you about things, but feel free to show me around if you like!
@5604915 said:
Welcome aboard! Lets show this old man some new tricks :p

[sub]says another old man[/sub]
@5604915 said:
Love the new Keep: The shape is more defensive than previous iterations, the protected shelf behind it is a cool touch with livestock/ quarry etc being there, and I love the many enclosed courtyards with all those little details (arched galleries, clever pulley systems etc).

I am not so sure about the fully enclosed wooden walkway. It looks okay, but it would certainly be easier to navigate if the back side was open, perhaps bar some pillars that hold up the roof.

Love the towers in construction! Keep doing your thing here! You're so close now with this great design!
@5605300 said:
@5604915 said:
So whats been happening here? Any news?
@5604915 said:
@5605300 said:
Completion of this project is estimated to be achieved in spring 2016.


2017 maybe?

Could I get an update nonetheless?
@10622100 said:
Hey Iwan,
taking this over from CaptScribble. Looks like the project may outlive but the very last mod of our server.

I know that you are pretty busy and usually using all the time you spend here on the server to push community projects, what I really appreciate. I still would be very happy if we could take the great level of detail and love found for example around the watermill and push other parts of the project as well. Maybe just every now and then, maybe just slowly, but steadily. I'd like to assist wherever help is needed. This project is just too beautiful to be left undone.


Harvesthall vassal application by Simbaa:
After talking to Iwan he allowed me to app for harvesthall vassal... and so here is the app:
lets start with the insp:
my insp is the castle of Celedna in Czech Rep.

Here are the tests with the layout, they can be found on the 2nd level of my plot:


the hamlets will consist of 7 houses max each, with only the essential classes being represented, here are the tests for them, ill be introducing a wooden spinoff the of the hravesthall houses along with the regular ones:

and lastly the Castle tests with its model:

the model scale is around 1:4ish

Lastly ill be able to handle most of the terra myself, under the watchful eye of Iwan. The terra will include forestation, deforestation, creating the hill... etc...


Beautiful! We need more wooden castles, and what’s a better place for this than Harvesthall? I‘m not exactly sure about the dimensions this is going to have, if the model is 1:4 it’s almost larger than the main HH castle? Please give some more info on the size.
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Isn't that a bit large for a vassal and a castle mostly out of wood? Especially the two high 9x16 (given a scale of 1:4 in your model) towers are very large. What are you planning to add inside of them? Would you mind adding describtions of the purposes of the various buildings, as I won't be online anytime soon. Overall maybe you can make this whole thing a bit smaller. Otherwise I love and will approve.


While the castle might seems pretty big Id like you to consider the following:
- while the castle is pretty long (probably longer then the norridge vassal) it is also narrow.
- its building density is much smaller than the density of other castles ( norridge vassal, HH etc..) therefore limiting its potential to house large variety of buildings etc...
- alot of the area covered by the castle will be unbuildable terrain ( slopes/small cliffs etc...)
- the main bailey/courtyard will be 16ish blocks wide max. a large percentage of the castle is taken up by the 2 moats and bridges ( around 33ish blocks)
-keep in mind that the model is still bit off scale (eg. the gatehouse is only 5 blocks wide while the model displays 9ish, etc...)
- if needed i can get rid of the first bailey

Here is the description of the structures that the castle will contain:
- the keeps - noble quarters, maester
- building connected to the first keep - greathall, kitchens servants
- building connected to the 2nd keep - warehouse, smithy, stables, racks,

Final words:
the castle itself will probably have around the same (maybe bit less) area covered by buildings as the Norridge vassal, with the buildings being often shorter and slimmer


The Norridge Vassal was Home to the family before they got strong enough to take over another castle, so probably not the usual vassal size castle. I‘d prefer getting rid of the additional Bailey, but will leave it up to Iwan. If he approves without wanting any changes, have my approval too. :)
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Simba and I agreed to have a few review rounds while his project progresses. I suggest Simba first plots the keep after he's done terraforming, we will have a better grasp of scale and be able to tweak where necessary then.



Staff member
Thank you, thank you. It's actually gonna be its eighth birthday coming up in october, if you count the first iteration on the old map.
Ah yes of course, I had not thought back to the "Before" times. Truly you are ancient and wise.


I thought I had made a post on this at some point in the past, but I've been kicking this particular can down the road for quite some time now. It's unrealistic that I would find the time to continue with this project. It would make sense if this project was part of the new plans for the Stormlands and started from scratch. I wish good fortune to whomever takes this over.