Completed House Lonmouth by Jeff


What u guys think of the idea of Add Falcon Hunters bc The big Grass landscapes are Perfect for Animals like Rabbits or other smaller Birds.
Also i will maybe have a focus on Cattle bc the Big Grass landscape is perfect for Animals like Cows or Sheeps.



Hey here is a link to my new castle Tests.

Endy told me to have a Brighter pallette and bigger towers.
I also connect two yards to get one bigger Yard.

The Tower with the Roof is more German style like Blackhaven and Harvesthill.
And the other Tower (not done yet) is from Endy.

What u guys say about it bc i dont know wich tower i should use my fav is the Tower with Roof but i like both and i am not sure how the Dornish March Style will change.

Also alot of ppl work on Stormlandstest so i wait with newer House test until they are done!
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Staff member
Hello Jeff, great to see you making improvements on the original document.

I would like to propose that this project becomes House Lonmouth, and House Sweet moves north of Parchments.
This makes some sense canon-wise as Ser Richard Lonmouth was the friend and former squire to Prince Rhaegar, who is quoted as saying Summerhall was his favourite place. Due to this projects close proximity to Summerhall I feel it would be appropriate for House Lonmouth to be located here, and for reasons stated previously, for House Sweet to move north.

Would this be okay with you Jeff?


Donkey Lord
Staff member
So, you have decided not to make a hole through the mountains to the Slayne valley so that water can drain into the river rather than pooling as a lake?
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Yes I decided to not make it because u can reach the Slayne very easy over the street. It doesn’t need a long ride to be there.
Also I want to make a small lake with a small island on it.
I saw a nice lake in Perren I think I take something like this as inspiration.
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Staff member
I'd think that switching locations of things would need at least one mods approval no?
I would say normally yes, but I had only added both Lonmouth and Sweet to the map myself a few months ago, so I would class this as more of a correction than a major change. Of course if a mod would like me to submit a more formal change note subject to approval I would be happy to do so, otherwise I would assume that an approval of this project implies approval of the change.
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