Cash's Custom Creation Cache


View attachment 17421
Can we revisit adding some more of these banners? In particular I think we should add Houses:

  • Velaryon
  • Royce
  • Yronwood
  • Karstark
  • Harlaw
  • Tarth
  • Mooton
  • Blackwood
  • Bracken
I picked these houses in particular because their prominence in canon/story and power-wise.

Ergo House Yronwood would necessitate a banner because of its prominence in Dorne, but House Jordayne doesn’t necessarily need one.

Im hoping perhaps in a far-off chance that we could just go ahead and add them all.
I also hope we just add all of them. It would be much better really, and would greatly improve things like the war camps that will be visible (Renly's, Robb's, and Tywin's) that are all going to be done soon.

A few of them would need touched up a bit imo:
Karstark sunburst is a bit too round, the bursts could be a bit more prominent/longer like this
Some riverlord banners could be singed/ragged like the Brackens or Darrys, seeing as they have been sacked recently.

I was also wondering how Cash made these?
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