Completed Application for House Hamell


Nice plans Zan! If I could suggest one thing terrain wise, it would be nice to have Hamell be the foothills of the Westerlands hills proper, and it will help transition the steeper terrain. I’d suggest definitely putting a range of taller hills in the western border of the project so it keeps the river that goes through Varner in a separate watershed from the “Rowan River” as it’s called by some on the server. It also might be an idea to connect both your rivers to the Varner river, in the interests of keeping it in the same watershed, and making developed foothills from the westerlands.


Donkey Lord
Staff member
Loving the palette and cracks included in it! The castle is interesting. Do you plan on adding a few of the buildings that seem to lead up to it in the insp?

Another way to do it would be to put the watershed through the castles position, with the lake then draining to the west towards the Rowan. This would be somewhat like the inspiration. Image below is a rough idea and would be awesome if a ridge heading north east of the castle had the road along its top, as some of the insp does.
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Loving the palette and cracks included in it! The castle is interesting. Do you plan on adding a few of the buildings that seem to lead up to it in the insp?

Another way to do it would be to put the watershed through the castles position, with the lake then draining to the west towards the Rowan. This would be somewhat like the inspiration. Image below is a rough idea and would be awesome if a ridge heading north east of the castle had the road along its top, as some of the insp does.
I get what you mean, but that way the water would go up. So I'd imagine something like this maybe:

Screenshot (17).png
Stream now flows at the other side of the castles hill and doesnt go up.


Donkey Lord
Staff member
What I was suggesting would be opening up some of the terrain between the lake and the Rowan river and carving a passage through, similar to how Belleglen's valley functions.

I'd be completely fine with a stream going through unfinished terrain between Falwell and Ivyhall.
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Staff member
Hey Zan, I think your new plans are fine and you have my go ahead. I'd also be fine with the stream between Falwell and Ivyhall. One note though, I think the holdfast to the west of the project could be better located more to the south, focusing on defending the region from the Reach, but that's something we can talk about later on.
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I think the holdfast to the west of the project could be better located more to the south, focusing on defending the region from the Reach, but that's something we can talk about later on.
Yeah, Elduwin already told me that and it makes sense. Thank you though!
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Hey Zan, I think your new plans are fine and you have my go ahead. I'd also be fine with the stream between Falwell and Ivyhall. One note though, I think the holdfast to the west of the project could be better located more to the south, focusing on defending the region from the Reach, but that's something we can talk about later on.
I’d rather have the stream go through just Falwell, as I have near future plans for Ivy hall, and a stream through its lands would contradict them.


I’d rather have the stream go through just Falwell, as I have near future plans for Ivy hall, and a stream through its lands would contradict them.
Making it go from Hamell to the Rowan river by Falwell lands would make it almost perpendicular. It would also mean that it's not going further south because it'd be blocked by higher elevations, meaning Ivy Hall lands would be higher than South Falwell, which wouldn't make sense as Falwell/Hamell are much closer to the Westerlands mountains, and would be where there'd be foothills (more than further south).

I agree that it makes more sense to have a stream from Hamell to join the Rowan river, as it's the closest main Mander tributary.
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Staff member
Hey Zan!

I took some time to fly around Hamell and I really like the end result! Although, I've found some things that I believe should or could be changed:

There's a copy of the holdfast floating around -4107, 14824; that should be removed.

Here the white cobble could be changed to the piled bones and/or stacked bones blocks.

I think you could either fill up this area or find an use for it instead of just leaving it hollow.
I think this room could either have the other icons to be a proper sept for the castle or maybe even repurposed to have arrowslits and help in the defence of the gate next to it.

Found this empty cabin in one of the hamlets, at -3462, 14742.
This one well still has green wool inside it, at -3611, 14820.


Fixed all these issues. One thing though, I really dont like the bone blocks so if not absolutely necessary I'd like to leave it as it is. The white cobble isn't meant to be bones but just tombs.


Donkey Lord
Staff member
Imo the white cobble closest to the cave exit comes across as bones. they aren't arranged like the other tombs and seem to be more broken down than the others with bones scattered around them. I'd suggest either making them more regular and tomb like, or changing them to bone blocks.

Otherwise, I'm all good with the project. if this one point is addressed, I approve.

EDIT: Approved
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