Westeroscraft Texture Pack Megathread


Love the idea of a form to work on these requests.
It could be used maybe to make the workload of the people working on the texture more visible to everybody, hence making us more aware of the work required whenever we come up with a new request. And also make it more visible so that we know what requests are being taken care of, and when requests are put aside, maybe have a short explanation (just to make communication easier for everybody).

That being said...
Formal request to follow-up a discussion with Emotione11 :
- rework on the Arbor (large) bricks, to make it work better with the other arbor blocks, probably through higher contrast and closer colors
- add variants to the arbor small bricks block (stair/slab/wall/arrow slits...)

Also bumping a few other requests:
- don't want to put too much pressure, but I'd really like to see the hemp block included in the next update, as the request was made quite some time ago, with I believe strong historical background to support it
- would it be possible to add a furnace block for OT or arbor blocks set? for southern Reach / northern Dorne (even westerlands, for projects using the arbor cobble)
- same as above, but with the Faith of the 7 carved block, with OT or arbor block? (request from Marge, but I thought I'd add it here as well)


Donkey Lord
Staff member
Just wanted to discuss this here before making a block request.
Based on the discussion in Getting around the block ID limit, could the extra vanilla wood (dark oak etc) be used for stripped of bark and palisade/long thin bundled wood?
The former has been mentioned often in terms of block additions and the latter is my own idea for carpentry but particularly primitive structures.

It’s essentially a firewood block that’s doesn’t have the central ‘divide’ where the logs have been shortened into smaller lengths and the colours change.
This could be used as the walls of temporary shelters and primitive huts and log cabins. A stair block could also be used for simple and temporary rooves.
Yes, this is another Beyond the Wall motivated idea. Would builders be interested in something like it?


Knight of Fairmarket
Just wanted to discuss this here before making a block request.
Based on the discussion in Getting around the block ID limit, could the extra vanilla wood (dark oak etc) be used for stripped of bark and palisade/long thin bundled wood?
The former has been mentioned often in terms of block additions and the latter is my own idea for carpentry but particularly primitive structures.

It’s essentially a firewood block that’s doesn’t have the central ‘divide’ where the logs have been shortened into smaller lengths and the colours change.
This could be used as the walls of temporary shelters and primitive huts and log cabins. A stair block could also be used for simple and temporary rooves.
Yes, this is another Beyond the Wall motivated idea. Would builders be interested in something like it?
View attachment 6914
Would also be useful for logs at sawmills, lumbercamps and carpenters as well as for barns, sheds and what not in rural areas.


Knight of Fairmarket
I'm not sure if we're still working on the pink blocks for Maidenpool and Riverrun, but I just wanted to drop this here:


Funny thing, testing how I could overhaul thatch I stumbled across the fact that our stair blocks have the textures arranged in such a way that they mess up the logical structure of any roof. The structure of roofing material should allow the flow of water down the slope of the roof. And while the side textures of our stair blocks reflect that, the top texture is orthogonal to that direction. Always struck me as odd but I never understood why this was the case.

Well I've worked out that this is the case because the top texture of the stair block model is inherited from a regular cuboid block which doesn't know anything about directional placement. In addition, by default, all of our stair blockstates have texture rotation disabled.

I've enabled it and I think, even though the effect is subtle, it could improve the look of essentially every roof.


Take a look around in-game now that you know about it. Let me know if it irks you enough so I know that it's worth pursuing further.
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One idea that came up yesterday in game:
is it possible to add a CTM to the hanging fish blocks, so that when it's 2 blocks high, we have salmons, and 3 blocks high, a big long tuna? :D
Similar to how work sausages and ham leg. Could add lots of variety to our fishery markets and harbors, without having to add any new blocks. Also, I think that any use of 2 hanging fish blocks, one above the other, can change to salmon CTM without changing the purpose of the fishes represented. I don't think there is any other use of that block, ever. (or else, I wonder what's it supposed to represent, if not fishes)

Also, another request (this time for new blocks), before we launch OT, would be to have a few new profession blocks. We have several very specific ones, like bookbinders or scribe, compared to cheesemongers, grocers, basket/pot sellers, and I think it would be great to have those added.

Hey Elduwin,

Emoticone11 recently reminded me of this post of yours, could you open an official resource pack request if you haven't?

Until then I'll leave this here: ss+(2021-08-02+at+09.05.18).png


Donkey Lord
Staff member
Could there be a river fish variant with pike?

edit: And there's a huge variety of fish mentioned in AWOIAF in the Shivering sea
"salmon, wolf fish, sand lances, grey skates, lampreys and other eels, whitefish, char, shark, herring, mackerel, and cod." Crab and Lobster too.
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Could we also retexture the 1 tall version and add in some 2 tall versions as an intermediary from the HUEG fish
Screenshot 2021-08-04 at 07.19.15.pngI did retexture the 1 tall versions already to something resembling Mackerel or Herring (difficult to tell those apart at this scale). With only using CTM (i.e. without introducing another block, or new block logic) I am constrained to either have 1 tall and 3 tall OR 1 tall and 2 talI. I may have an idea how to make it work but it's convoluted and likely doesn't work at all.. so for now I'd like to say that we can't have both on the same block.


So I tried my idea and it turns out it works BUT only in the X direction and it requires builders to place 2x2 or wider patterns of fish... So it's bugged and it requires a very specific way of building.

I'd like to suggest skipping 2 tall fish for now, or raising this with red to implement a custom block with the logic that we need!


Edit2: I‘ve tried a different approach, alas, it’s still bugged in the Z direction. I even tried it in a clean RP to make sure there are no conflicting CTM rules overwriting the new rule. This is all very strange and I suspect this is due to the way the base cross block works. I doubt it’s something I can fix.

so to proceed with an update to all existing fish blocks we have three options:
A) accept that we can only do either 3 or 2 tall variants in addition to the random single variants, then update the RP and enjoy that these changes are applied to all existing placed fish blocks.
B) Introduce a custom block that senses relative placement using @red’s magic. Parse the world data for placed fish blocks and replace them with that new custom block.
C) introduce biome dependency for when different versions of fish appear
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Staff member
Messing around with the Oldtown style I came across a block suggestion: wood rafters. Oldtown, despite being canonically almost all stone would feature many wood details such as balconies and extensions. In those cases a block that behaves similar to the horizontal rope or chain but with a wood texture would be super useful as a light support. And I'm sure it would have many other uses.

istockphoto-968891224-1024x1024.jpg2021-08-20 (2).pngold-damascus-ancient-city-syrian-arab-republic-102220982.jpgstreet-in-old-town-rhodes-island-greece-MFGC2F.jpg397152adf642c5a1d222b2de58c6702e.jpg



Messing around with the Oldtown style I came across a block suggestion: wood rafters. Oldtown, despite being canonically almost all stone would feature many wood details such as balconies and extensions. In those cases a block that behaves similar to the horizontal rope or chain but with a wood texture would be super useful as a light support. And I'm sure it would have many other uses.

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I made a block request for this though i did not convey that well, Please make a block request for this it’d be awesome
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I would like the lodge a request for the following variants of the existing block "Light Oldtown Brick"...
  • Light Oldtown Brick Slab
  • Light Oldtown Brick Stairs
  • Light Oldtown Brick Wall
  • Light Oldtown Brick Fence
These would really help me with testing for a possible upcoming project and would work extremely well for gradient transitions between Oldtown Brick blocks and lighter blocks. The current transitions I've tried all seem to have a pretty stark contrast in color between the Oldtown Brick blocks and lighter colored blocks and these added blocks would really help with that issue. Not to mention they will be extremely helpful in Oldtown, itself, when the time comes.

Thanks for the consideration!