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  1. JJLyric

    Completed Fairmarket (EStoop)

    The town always looked cool with flags up! YAYAYAYA STOOP!
  2. JJLyric

    Approved House Long - Finn

    This project might have the least amount of replies to it! haha
  3. JJLyric

    Abandoned House Lorch By JJLyric

    i also mentioned before that i would deal with the terra by a tutor and a editor to help me and that wouldn't relying on someone else in a solo project to help you isnt the best. Thank to everyone that gave advice and helped on this project. Aeks particularly!
  4. JJLyric

    Abandoned House Lorch By JJLyric

    Hey! coming to two years since I applied I think if I was more interested I would've started work by now. Since this is all approved it is a shame to just leave it but I feel its right as if I don't its holding up an available project. I haven't done a solo first project and so for my first a...
  5. JJLyric

    Under Review Project Application: House Tarly of Horn Hill by Awbman

    I get this. The old project i started as my first was a miniscule one in terms of actual map size (lorch) and i still dont think i would be capable of completing, yet that is. But regardless awb good luck on whatever your plans are!
  6. JJLyric

    Vinetown thread

    Forgive me i meant the starfish gate :D
  7. JJLyric

    Vinetown thread

    Hello! I have been gone on and of for a while now but I think I will be on a little more active now. So I have lorch currently in the works and a King landing district, All the building are done I just ned to go and approve some stuff and feedback etc. But I would like to know your though and if...
  8. JJLyric

    Abandoned House Lorch By JJLyric

    hello I'm very sorry but I don't think I will be on any time soon, I will make a post in a few days.
  9. JJLyric

    Abandoned House Lorch By JJLyric

    aeks or someone im back and i dont really know hjow to start it off so i though maybe turning all the l,orch terrain to sand so i know wherer the borders are. do es a mod or someone could you please do this task for me as i want to get the border of the project correct. thanks
  10. JJLyric

    The Arbor: Applications thread

    just saying i dont have time to do practicaly anything on the server so im giving up bastards cradle i thinlk it was
  11. JJLyric

    Just to let you know im not going to be on for a little while

    Just to let you know im not going to be on for a little while
  12. JJLyric

    Abandoned House Lorch By JJLyric

    cheers someone needs to do the yard inj the gift then its done. also who knows about that road and where it will lead to its a bit random
  13. JJLyric

    Abandoned House Lorch By JJLyric

    do you approvew?
  14. JJLyric

    Abandoned House Lorch By JJLyric

    Thanks lem, I would liketo ask here formally for a editor to help me do my terra. This is because i dont have much experience and me trying to do this will be a big clusterfuck. If the editor could also kind of help me along the way that would be great to get me prepared for further stuff. Thanks
  15. JJLyric


    I also don’t think that anyone will accept a app for this by me if I don’t have more things for experience and stuff Lorch is kind of needed I think
  16. JJLyric


    Okay so what my plan is is to work on lorch and after that is finished I will work on the island then I will also slowly work on ladybright
  17. JJLyric

    Abandoned House Lorch By JJLyric

    Yes that can definetely work i will thing the forest out. If you want show me in game where you are thinking about moving it. Bump
  18. JJLyric

    Contest - A life in Oldtown

    Oh wow This is cool april 1 is a lomng time. Dont have much time though rn. Ill see
  19. JJLyric

    Abandoned House Lorch By JJLyric

    I dont want to be a annoying BEEP but any updates?