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  1. Adorkabley

    Why we use the book's redkeep, not the one in series.

    We go by the books as its the proper interpretation of those builds as written by George RR Martin. While the show often times has good sets, interiors, and sometimes exteriors, there are often times issues related to budgetary reasons where particular locations aren't always shown in their best...
  2. Adorkabley

    I have something really important to share

    Deez nuts
  3. Adorkabley

    Abandoned Project Application: Maidenpool

    Thank you for the pause. I just want to point out when things like trying to nab it or talking about taking it over happen it can create pressure on anyone wanting to apply and feel like they need to rush out an application as quickly as they can. I am not saying not to discuss picking things up...
  4. Adorkabley

    Abandoned Project Application: Maidenpool

    I think we need to clam down just a little bit no decision has been officially made yet so lets not have everyone jumping on mp with plans and throwing their names into a hat. He did say reach out privately if you are interested. Also its a shame you are having to drop the project veggie, I know...
  5. Adorkabley

    Hey im back

    Welcome back
  6. Adorkabley

    Congrats Azule

    Congrats Azule
  7. Adorkabley

    Congrats Rav

    Congrats Rav
  8. Adorkabley

    happy birthday

    happy birthday
  9. Adorkabley

    Contest - A life in Oldtown

    Congratz Azule
  10. Adorkabley

    Completed Ghost Hill - by Margaery Tyrell

    Id like to apply for the hamlet.
  11. Adorkabley

    im back hoes

    Welcome Back
  12. Adorkabley

    Completed The Tor by Margaery Tyrell

    Congrats Marg
  13. Adorkabley

    Happy Birthday

    Happy Birthday
  14. Adorkabley

    Terra School: Lowland Rivers

    How did you even think to find those really informative videos? just curious.
  15. Adorkabley


  16. Adorkabley

    The Old Mods and the New

    Farewell to those who left us. While at the same time congrats to those promoted.
  17. Adorkabley

    Mojang Account Migration.

    Mojang has put a notification on the bottom of the vanilla launcher that a limited number of people are being migrated at the moment. Their migration target is mid July. To know if you need to migrate check your account on or launch the vanilla launcher and it will prompt you when...
  18. Adorkabley

    Mojang Account Migration.

    I figure people should be aware of Mojang migrating their accounts to Microsoft. As any new account made after December 1st will need to be Microsoft and there for people will be and are having issues getting our launcher to work. For those with Mojang accounts be aware you will have to go...
  19. Adorkabley

    Remember to boil your potatoes until they are fork tender.

    Remember to boil your potatoes until they are fork tender.