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  1. CashBanks

    Westeros Craft: Builder's Corner Video Test

    There's always Windows Movie Maker :P
  2. CashBanks

    Oldtown: Feedback and Suggestions

    Would also probably make sense to add some lime kilns too like in White Harbor.
  3. CashBanks

    [Project] New Launcher (Official)

    I have no idea how you do these things but I really appreciate that you’re doing them! It’ll be great to streamline the launcher and cut down the number of support forum posts.
  4. CashBanks

    Westeroscraft Texture Pack Megathread

    Interior walls are justifiable for the same reason the red plaster was added for Casterly Rock. I think the wealth and style of the Tyrells could justify any extravagance really.
  5. CashBanks

    Completed Highgarden

    Some tower tests for you Ark Tsar's plan also had a ballroom which I'd be keen to have a go at testing
  6. CashBanks

    Westeroscraft Texture Pack Megathread

    Green marble for HG would be swell too ^_^
  7. CashBanks

    Completed Highgarden

    We should work out a plan for the build going forward now that Tsar's stepping back from the server. If we're happy with Tsar's current plotting at /warp Highgarden I'd be happy to keep building it out if one of the senior mods wants to take on a supervising role, otherwise we could open the...
  8. CashBanks


    :( thanks for everything Tsar!
  9. CashBanks

    Completed Project Application: Wull

    Update! Steady progress has been made. Since turning my attention back to Wull I've spent most of the last few weeks terraforming the mountain range; laying down trees, updating the world painter boob mountains and adding in some rivers. Terraforming I'm pretty happy with the terra for the...
  10. CashBanks

    Completed Project Application : Glenmore

    I'll definitely add these to the Wull lands thanks.
  11. CashBanks

    Completed Project Application : Glenmore

    I for one am very excited to see another build getting started in the North :D
  12. CashBanks

    Double click brushes

    Yep I’ve been having the same problem with both schem brushes and regular brushes, except I have found that backing up away from where i’m pasting does mitigate the problem. Strange that it’s still happening to you even when you’re far away. Have you tried extending the /range of the brush to...
  13. CashBanks

    White Harbor Sprawl Plotting Applications

    Thanks Nuggs, here's a test with the jungle bark logs (closest match to northern wood planks?) and the KL ailerons. 2. Northern wood plank blocks, spruce wood aileron 3. Northern wood planks + northern wood stairs, KL aileron 4. Northern wood planks + thin jungle wood logs, KL aileron I'm...
  14. CashBanks

    White Harbor Sprawl Plotting Applications

    Cheers Eld, here's the Mk II
  15. CashBanks

    White Harbor Sprawl Plotting Applications

    Here's a test of a windmill design, was aiming for the traditional Scandinavian style, but not sure how successful I was Let me know if you have any suggestions for softening the slope of the walls