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  1. AerioOndos

    Abandoned Update Application - Street of Flour

    I love the idea! refugee camps would assist making KL feel like its in its proper time setting! These would be a great thing to have at some of the major towns of the riverlands too, like SS, MP and FM.
  2. AerioOndos

    Approved Redo Application: Darkdell

    ContraBlond, IronGiant and myself are submitting a redo appeal of Darkdell under clause b) and c) Evidence of abandonment: We are also going to modify terrain in accordance with the inadequate canon clause as the current Prince's Pass exits too close to Darkdell and the Reach castles...
  3. AerioOndos

    Approved Project Application: House Melcolm of Old Anchor

    verily 'tis welcome news!
  4. AerioOndos

    Completed House Lonmouth by Jeff

    Loving it, approved by me.
  5. AerioOndos

    Immersion Build: Abandoned Holdfast

    That's brilliant advice Gealruable and wall thickness was what I was also trying to suggest with that Irish Dun as insp.
  6. AerioOndos

    Completed House Lonmouth by Jeff

    Hey, I'd like to state that it was my idea for the northern stream exit (which you can see in this thread) which honestly I thought work because there would be less impact on surrounding projects (2 Grandison towers shifted a few blocks) versus Swannsroost and parts of the Dondarrion border at...
  7. AerioOndos

    Block Change Request: Bougainvillea block and vines

    I'd like to see adelfa and maybe some true myrtle as a shrub or bush though both could potentially be created using our current block set. However, where I think I most support the suggestion of including Honeysuckle due to its rather unique shape, climbing ability and drought tolerance, despite...
  8. AerioOndos

    Immersion Build: Abandoned Holdfast

    hmm. There's no mention in the lore of them having to enter into a fort or holdfast. Instead, its just a 'tumbledown wall' used as a shelter and Tyrion thinks of it as a 'camp' not about approaching a small castle. He is also able to see Yoren skinning a squirrel and smell and see cooking going...
  9. AerioOndos

    Stormlands Dornish March

    Okay so I say its definitely a good idea to compromise a bit in terms of the style. Elements from wet Iberia and the dark stone houses are incredibly valuable, particularly the horreas to keep grain dry which is incredibly important for food security. Most houses should have mostly stair rooves...
  10. AerioOndos

    Completed Application Thread: House Varner Redo by Jakethesnake

    Isn't elderflower wine produced by steeping elderflower in a solution of sugar and water, sometimes lemon, with the elderflower acting as a substitute for yeast. And then that becomes a bubbly light alcoholic drink?
  11. AerioOndos

    Completed Application Thread: House Varner Redo by Jakethesnake

    Hmm. I might be wrong but is that meant to be the elderflower wine producing place? Jakethesnake8_8
  12. AerioOndos

    Abandoned House Goode by Patrick_0901

    Hmm. that boat has a very deep almost circular draft. I'd suggest moving that central slab up a bit. River craft don't need deep drafts or keels anywhere near as much as ocean vessels, and its not easy to communicate that its a boat with that much of a curve to the bottom.
  13. AerioOndos

    Approved House Corne by Kuzlov

    Heya, I don't think you are going to need to change your style really, since its close to the Stoney Sept style. However, have a look at the new daub blocks, particularly the vertical framed daub, and see if these could work well in your style. Good luck!
  14. AerioOndos

    Under Review Project Application: House Chambers

    Exactly what I was suggesting!
  15. AerioOndos

    Stormlands Dornish March

    Yeah, definitely there can be a bit more trees.
  16. AerioOndos

    Stormlands Dornish March

    Issue is that the Dornish Marches are predominantly grasslands, so we can't over use timber elements. The southern border of the Stormlands is in fact meant to be all grasslands or 'broad plain', even on Cape Wrath (AWOIAF)
  17. AerioOndos

    Stormlands Dornish March

    Loving this whole thread, particularly with the wooden granaries on stone platforms visible in the first and last image of seri's first post. Cathar Castles would be a good potential inspiration for placement and layout of hfs, castles etc within the Stormlands Marches. However, Seri is spot on...
  18. AerioOndos

    Nightfort Server Build - Available Projects, Mini Applications and Updates.

    Any plans for wildling villages on the deeplake or nearby? Sam's village mistaken for white tree might be close by to there. Just a suggestion
  19. AerioOndos

    Immersion Build: Abandoned Holdfast

    Similarly would like to see some tests! Sounds like a brilliant idea. As its being mentioned as deserted, then likely there is no town around it. There are later mentions about abandoned 'flint towers' further north of that point when the mountains are visible from the Kingsroad. Additionally...
  20. AerioOndos

    Fall 2021 Rookery - Opinion Polls and Submissions OPEN

    Its also an internet meme. Just have a look at r/freefolk. It mostly refers to an idolisation of Robert that then is given laser eyes, among other things.