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  1. Hgkoolaid

    Planning List of all available projects

    Hey just a quick note Chelsted is done and Harte is in progress now! :)
  2. Hgkoolaid

    Westeroscraft Texture Pack Megathread

    Musgood approves this request as well
  3. Hgkoolaid

    Westeroscraft Texture Pack Megathread

  4. Hgkoolaid

    Website suggestions

    I would love a "mark all as read" button somewhere. Maybe that exists already but I can't find it and it would be an easier way of clearing out post notifications. I mainly say this as someone who doesn't always log on but reads the posts then when logged on all the posts are marked as unread.
  5. Hgkoolaid

    Abandoned Musgood by HG Kool Aid

    Well I was abroad for 4 months when the new site was created and didn't get back onto the server for another month once I got back. For the last two months I was admittedly lazy and didn't have any updates to offer haha
  6. Hgkoolaid

    Abandoned Musgood by HG Kool Aid

    Hey everyone! Just moving the old thread from the archives onto the new site as the project is still being worked on. Here is the link to the original app, and here is the poorly formatted pdf from the archives including updates I made. As an overall update the castle is coming along well and...