The Spring 2023 edition of The Rookery is now out! Take a look to see the latest builds, guides, progress and development updates on the upcoming 1.18.2 switch. You can read it here:
Build 1: Discussed ingame = Approved by me
Build 2: Discussed ingame = Approved by me
Build 3: Discussed ingame = Approved by me
Build 4 and 5: Discussed ingame = Approved by me
Build 6: Discussed ingame = Approved by me and alrdy by Project lead.
Build 7, 8 and 9: Allrdy feedback from...
Welcome to the Team Wurst!
I will be your probation leader for the following weeks!
U have to build 5 houses in 5 different styles but feel free to make more then 5.
Important is that u mark ur houses with a sign and post all the houses u build in ur probation in this post that I can check them...
Hey JMC,
The problem is that rightnow i don’t plan a settlement on the southern point.
a reason why i do this redo is because the small island is very very overpopulated. There are 2 towns and 2 hams and a castle what is way to much for the small island Rightnow. But I understand ur connection...
Hey everyone it’s now a week since lonmouth is in post approvel!
So I can bump this up. The last weeks Since I posted this up I had awesome ideas and a clear vision of what’ve imagine for this island. I will add my ideas and concepts to my app the next days that I can show u what I have in mind...
Hey Everyone after working on some Feeback I am happy with the Result and Lonmouth is rdy for Post Approval!
Note: The Mountain Grandite for the Marches is Wip and will be not rated
Best Greetings
Welcome to the Team Rob!
I will be your probation leader for the following weeks!
U have to build 5 houses in 5 different styles but feel free to make more then 5.
Important is that u mark ur houses with a sign and post all the houses u build in ur probation in this post that I can check them...
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