Search results

  1. DutchGuard

    Dutch's Dissertation

    Hey all, As some of you may know, I completed a dissertation over the summer which I thought some of you might enjoy browsing. A lot of primary research was curtailed by the pandemic, but the secondary research might interest some of you. I'd like to think it's fairly readable (lot's of...
  2. DutchGuard

    Where on the timeline is our server? (3/3/299 AC)

    Alright, now that I've had some time to sit down and write this, here we go. Proposal to Officially Recognize the Date of 3/3/299 AC Within the Timeline of Events of A Song of Ice and Fire as the Official Time-Setting of the Server 1. Rationale 1.1 Our current answer for "Where on the...
  3. DutchGuard

    Completed The Tor by Margaery Tyrell

    Nothing! You're good to go. Approving mods are Luk and Endy, for future reference
  4. DutchGuard

    HellFantasy Builder Application

    Bumping for Elduwin
  5. DutchGuard

    Approved Update Application- District 8 "Dragon Gate" - By ViserysII, SseriousBusiness & Ric_Games

    Second this. Tanneries are big time stinkfests, so much so that a number of laws were passed in London restricting their operation in densely populated areas, laws which are the ancestors to modern planning legislation.
  6. DutchGuard

    Wiki Wiki Submission for Highgarden

    There should be a link to the project thread direct from the wiki page. The problem with linking directly to Google docs is that after X number of years the author might have deleted it or the account is closed, and the link goes dead. At the moment we don't have a dedicated backup for any of...
  7. DutchGuard

    Wiki Wiki Submission for Highgarden

    Not sure what's up with that, though I know they've been missing for a few weeks now.
  8. DutchGuard

    Planning [Map Repository] Riverlands

    I may have mentioned it elsewhere on the forums, but a good idea for Whitewalls would be to make a few "newer" buildings or additions to buildings out of the white stone which would have been salvaged from the castle. Maybe even a whole village using a white Vale palette? The former site of the...
  9. DutchGuard

    King's Landing Remaster October Update and Plan

    I think the issue here is a question of scaling impossibilities due to the size of a Minecraft block. To my eye, the square's facades are all proportional, and capture well the half-timbered style. The problem is that we are forced to use 1m thick floors and ceilings, over four times thicker...
  10. DutchGuard

    Wiki Wiki Submission for Whitegrove

    Thanks Marg! Uploaded some shader shots, but can swap them out for others if you find better ones.
  11. DutchGuard

    Wiki Wiki Submission for Pyle

    Thank you Luk! Uploaded to the wiki.
  12. DutchGuard

    Planning [Map Repository] Riverlands

    Ah yes, that can be included but it's a relatively minor change. The warp just needs to be moved a little south west. I also don't think we need a Lothston warp, as the house seems to have only ever held Harrenhal. The Whitewalls warp should replace it.
  13. DutchGuard

    Completed Summerhall - Cash

    Looking forward to your wiki entry :)
  14. DutchGuard

    Completed Project Application: House Pyle

    Friendly reminder that this project still needs a wiki entry.
  15. DutchGuard

    Planning [Map Repository] Riverlands

    Quick bump for anyone that might have missed this that wants to make any suggestions, and also requesting a final review by the mod team CashBanks .
  16. DutchGuard

    Approved Sweetport Sound (Foster) by StanateeTheManatee

    This is such a thoughtful and well-planned application. As you are largely going off of the existing plans I would agree with the idea of this being a foster project. I especially like the re-ordering of the Rambton lands. I agree that it doesn't make sense for Tally Hill to be the seat of House...
  17. DutchGuard

    My poll

    It was originally in BOZ but I felt it was more appropriate here as it has little to do with the servers activities and also makes the post public to everyone.
  18. DutchGuard

    King's Landing Remaster October Update and Plan

    A quick note to say that if anyone wants to do a wiki entry for their district upon completion, I'd be happy to create dedicated pages for each on the wiki, branching off the main KL project page (as the main project page is already pretty long). Would be great to keep a record of the major...
  19. DutchGuard

    Planning [Map Repository] Riverlands

    Dangit, let me try again: Blanetree: to be moved from near Seagard to west of Riverrun. Wayfarer's Rest: to be moved from the central Riverlands to the area between Stoney Sept and Acorn Hall Atranta: will be assigned to the presently abandoned Wayfarer's Rest build. Raventree Hall and...