MMO Code Repository

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New and historical WesterosCraft code repositories are now publicly available at our GitLab page!

GitLab Link

Anyone can make changes and pull request them using GitLab's built-in "Merge Request" system. Note that if doing so, you should adhere to the following basic guidelines, which apply to both approved coders and people interested in coding for the project / MMO who have experience using Git (if so, you should apply as a coder using the MMO section under 'The World' tab!):

Ensure that the repository in question is marked 'ACTIVE' in the group page. These are the repositories which are still relevant to our project and are still in development.
  • Follow the code style of the existing project - a concrete coding standard will be published for new MMO projects, but for now, we simply desire consistency for individual repositories.
  • Comment code thoroughly, but don't overdo it - focus comments on where new code interacts with old code, and ensure that your signature is on each modified area.
  • Commits should be frequent and divide the overall pull request / project into understandable chunks. This also allows us to pinpoint bugs more accurately.
  • For coders, new projects should be prepended with 'ACTIVE' using the GitLab name settings.
  • For coders, new projects should be given a corresponding thread in either this subforum or the general coding forum, depending on the topic.
  • If a pull request is not reviewed for more than two weeks, you can post in this subforum to give it some attention.

New tasks for general coding will be posted on the public MMO development Trello:

Trello Link

If any are available, these should be preferred first when considering pull requests or projects.
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